This group of Europeans landed on Canadian shores and dubbed it "New France", settling in what is known today as Quebec.
French settlers
This was the most difficult season for settlers who had newly arrived to Canada.
Mesopotamia was located in the part of the world that we now call...
The name of the King who is the main character of this epic poem.
This group of people were already living in North America when the first European settlers arrived.
First Nations/Indigenous
This settler group fled from their homeland after "The Blight" destroyed their food supply, which consisted mostly of potatoes.
Irish settlers
The Europeans traded metal tools to the Indigenous people for ______________, which helped keep them warm during the long winter months.
The name "Mesopotamia" means...
"Between rivers"
The gods sent this wild man to earth to serve as a challenger to Gilgamesh.
This technology allowed farmers to direct the water from nearby rivers or lakes to their crops through a series of channels.
This group of people were brought to Canada against their will, and were forced to work as the property of others.
African settlers
This job was much easier in Canada because of the large amount of fertile soil.
Mesopotamia was located between these two rivers.
The Tigris and the Euphrates
The name of the city where Gilgamesh was king.
This type of shelter allowed the Inuit people to stay warm even in the coldest of weather conditions.
This group of settlers took control over territory previously controlled by the French when they won the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759.
This part of a shelter, which was very important for ventilation, had to be built in a special way to prevent the cold from escaping.
This was the first "true" writing system developed in Mesopotamia
Gilgamesh is sometimes called the first...
A long period of time with no rain is called...
A drought
Irish settlers
This job required settlers to heat minerals up to very high temperatures and then to bend and mold them into specific shapes to create tools or weapons.
Priests worked in temples that were called...
The Epic of Gilgamesh was written on...
Clay tablets
A central village or town built by settlers is called...
A settlement