Technology and Weapons
Historical Documents and Speeches
Wars and Battles
Exploration of the Americas

This weapon was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II.

What is the atomic bomb?


A document that is the supreme law of the United States.  It created a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at risk.

What is the Constitution of the United States of America?


The Civil War was fought between these two opposing regions.

What was America's Northern and Southern states?


Pilgrims on the Mayflower settled this second colony in America.

What is Plymouth, Massachusettes?


The United States of America has five geographical regions.  Name them.

What are Northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest, midwest?


The two technologies that most influenced westward expansion were:

What were the telegraph and railroad?


These are the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

What are the Articles of Confederation?


This Revolutionary War was a fight between which two factions? 

What are America and England? 

Europeans settled this first colony in America in order to establish a European company called the Virginia Company - and most of them died within the first year.

What is Jamestown, Virginia?


This is the place where the first Native Americans crossed over from Asia to North America.

What is the Bering Strait? (we'll accept Berengia)


Name three new weapons used in World War I.

What were grenades, poisonous gas, and machine guns?


Thomas Jefferson wrote this document in 1776, declaring that the United States of America was independent from England.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


The Confederate army represented which region?

What are the Southern states?


Anti-slave activists who demanded the immediate end of slavery were called:

What are abolitionists?


Europeans wanted to spread this religion throughout the world and the Americas.

What is Christianity?


Name three weapons used in the American Civil War.

What were the rifle, musket, canon, bayonet, saber (or sword)?


This speech by Abraham Lincoln declares that all men are created equal. 

What is the Gettysburg Address?


The Union army represented which region?

What are the Northern states?

These two American explorers journeyed and documented their way from the east to the west coast?

Who are Lewis and Clark?


The trading system between Europe, Africa, and America that traded foods and products and unfortunately diseases and people.

What was the triangular trade?


The time period in which the transition from creating goods by hand to using machines was called: 

The Industrial Revolution.


This Act required colonists to house and feed British soldiers.

What is the Quartering Act?


Who won the French and Indian war?

Who are the British?


This explorer searched for the mythical Fountain of Youth, which he claimed in St. Augustine, Florida.

If that's too difficult then: this man ignited a mass exploration of the New World.

Who is Juan Ponce de Leon?

Who is Christopher Columbus?


An Italian explorer for Spain that America is named after.

Who is Amerigo Vespucci?