Geography and Early People
Civil War
Reconstruction and 1900's Virginia
These are the five geographic regions listed from East to West
What is the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Blue Ridge Mts, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau
These are 3 main reasons for England to allow the Virginia Company to make a colony in the new world
What are to make money, to gain power and land in the new world, to defend against attack from Spain and France
These are 5 Virginia Patriots who helped the colonies declare and win Independence from Britain
Who are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, James Lafayette, and James Madison
These were three differences between the North and South before the Civil War
North: urban and factories, larger populations, free states South: rural and agriculture, smaller populations, slave states
These were laws that were created to limit the rights of freed slaved
What are "Jim Crow" laws
These states border Virginia
What is Kentucky, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee
This was the difficult time in Early Jamestown where many colonists died
What is the Starving Time
This was the main reason for the colonies to declare Independence from Britain
What is taxation without representation
This was the final event that caused the South to succeed and become the Confederate States of America
What is the election of Abraham Lincoln
This was an organization established to help educate and assist freed slaves to be strong citizens in their nation
What is the Freedman's Bureau
These are the three native language groups of Virginia
What is Algonquin, Siouan, Iroquoian
Two parts: He was the second leader of Jamestown and led the colony to be successful He developed a way to cultivate and dry tobacco to make money for the Jamestown colony
Who is John Smith Who is John Rolfe
This was the last battle in the Revolutionary War that took place in Virgina and led to America's Independence
What is Surrender at Yorktown
This is how West Virginia was created
What is West Virginia supported free states while Virginia wanted to remain a slave state
What were the 5 major industries that grew in Virginia to help strengthen the economy after the CivilWar
What are railroads, coal mining, textiles, agriculture, tobacco
Archeologists use these to learn about ancient civilizations
What are artifacts and primary sources
This was the first representative government in the colonized new world
What is the General Assembly (1619)
These groups of immigrants moved to the western parts of Virginia using the migration routes
Who are the Scot-Irish
These were the first and last battles of the Civil War and they both occurred in Virginia
What was the Battle of Bull Run (1861) and Surrender at Appomattox (1865)
This Virginian was elected President during World War 1 and established the League of Nations to try to prevent future wars
Who is Woodrow Wilson
This is how native cultures (Powhatan) helped Early settlers
What is they would trade or barter goods and services
These were the capitals of Virginia in order
What is Jamestown, Williamsburg, Richmond
These are the two authors of Virginia's Statute of Religious Freedom
Who are Thomas Jefferson and George Mason
This was one of the only strengths of the Confederate States
What is stronger military leaders with Robert E. Lee and Andrew "Stonewall" Jackson
This person was responsible for leading this court case to end segregation
Who is Oliver W. Hill who was a lawyer in Brown vs. The Board of Education