History of France
West-Central Europe
Spain and Portugal
Which four groups ruled in early France?
Romans, Franks, Normans, English
Where is the best farmland in West-Central Europe found?
North European Plain.
Which four empires have ruled Spain and Portugal?
Phoenician, Greek, Roman, Moor.
What effect did the rise of nationalism have on Italians?
They fought for unification.
What are some examples of Greek accomplishments in art, literature, math, and government?
Lifelike statues and paintings; new forms of literature, including history and drama; advances in geometry; creation of democracy.
In what periods, in modern history, has France been a battlefield?
The First and Second World War.
What are the natural resources or distinctive features of each of the landform regions?
Very good farmland; uplands - forests, coal, and some areas with fertile soil; mountains - scenic beauty.
Where did much of Spain and Portugal’s wealth come from?
Gold and silver from the lands in the Americas that they colonized.
What are the key periods in the history of Italy?
Ancient Rome, the Renaissance, and Unified Italy
How did Greece finally achieve a return to democracy?
They rebelled against the Turks and later got rid of a dictatorship.
What are two major contributions the French have made to art and architecture?
Impressionism, Gothic cathedrals, ideas about democracy, classic literature, arts, fashion, and film.
How might the region’s water features have affected its economic development?
Navigable rivers and nearness to seas and ocean encouraged the growth of trade.
What caused their empires to break up?
Most of their colonies rebelled and became independent.
What are three reasons why religion is important in the lives of Italians?
Most Italians are Roman Catholic. The pope lives in the Italian Peninsula. Religious holidays and festivals are major events
What religion do most Greeks practice?
Orthodox Christianity
What aspects of French culture have helped unite the French?
Pride in their long history as a European leader, French language, Catholicism, shared attitudes such as joie de vivre, appreciation of French cooking, shared celebrations, appreciation of the arts and literature.
What major bodies of water surround the region?
The North Sea, English Channel, Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea.
In what ways are the cultures of Spain and Portugal similar to those of other southern European countries?
They use the same ingredients in their cuisine. They share the same religion.
How do local traditions affect Italy’s cuisine?
Food preparation varies from region to region based on local preferences and products.
What is the cornerstone of Greek society?
What human and natural resources have helped France’s economy expand?
High productivity and efficiency of workers, rich soil.
How is the climate of the Alps different from the climate in most of West-Central Europe? Why?
Wetter and colder than most of the region which has marine west coast climate with cold winters and mild summers; at a higher altitude.
What are the most spoken languages in Iberia?
Spanish and Portuguese.
Why has Italy always been known as a center of the arts?
It has a long history as an artistic trendsetter and has produced some of the world’s great artists.
How have Greece’s history and its physical geography influence its cuisine?
The Greeks rely on ingredients that grow well in their region, and they have borrowed recipe ideas from the Turks and the Italians.