This is also known as the Upper House
What is the Senate
A group of individuals related by blood, marriage or adoption and living together in the in the same household
What is a Family?
Democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire are classified as
What is style of leadership?
This is used as a visual representation of family relationships and ancestry
What is a Family Tree?
Infidelity, Abuse and Financial Hardship can all lead to this in a marriage.
What is a Divorce?
They are a group of political officials who are responsible for running the affairs of a country.
What is a Government?
Monitoring the safety of workers at the workplace is the Job of which Economic Institution
What is a Trade Union?
This is referred to "keeping a Group together"
What is Group cohesion?
The following is a type of family structure where three or more generations live together in the same household
What is an Extended Family?
John and Moya have been living together for many years they also have children, they are unmarried. They are referred to as
What is Common Law?
The Jamaican government is divided into these branches
What is the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary?
This bank is one that offers services to the general public and to companies.
What is a commercial bank?
This leadership style allows members of the group to operate without much direction from the leader
What is a laissez-faire leadership style?
When someone is under 18 years of age.
What is a Juvenile?
The practice of marrying or state of being married to one person at a time.
What is Monogamy?
This person represents the Sovereign of Great Britain and is appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister of Jamaica.
Who is the Governor General?
This is an organization formed by workers from similar fields that work for the common interest of its members.
What is a Trade Union?
These are patterns of expected behaviour shown by members of the society
What are norms?
This term is widely used in sociology to refer to the social processes by which the behaviour of individuals or groups is regulated
What is Social Control?
This is situation where two people are forced to marry because of pregnancy.
What is a shot-gun marriage?
This type of legislature has two house (House of Representatives and Senate)
What is a Bi-Cameral Legislature?
These are the different stages of which institution (Secondary, primary, Kindergarten, tertiary)
What is the different stages of education?
These groups are organized with clear structures which govern the interaction among its' members.
What is a formal group?
This is Sexual intercourse between very close relatives
What is incest?
A woman that has more than one husband at the same time is practicing this.
What is Polyandry?