States and Regions
The Land
Bodies of Water
Climate and Vegetation
People and the Environment

There are 50 states in the United States, but only 48 of them are contiguous. What does the word contiguous mean?

Next to each other.


There are several climates in the United States. What is a climate?

The kind of weather a place has over a long time. 


There are hundreds of inlets along the United States coast. What is an inlet?

Any area of water extending into the land from a larger body of water.


Sometimes climate can be affected by elevation. What is elevation?

The height of the land in relation to sea level.


The United States is a land rich in natural resources. What is a natural resource?

Something found in nature that people can use. 


There are five different regions in the United States. What is a region?

An area in which many features are similar. 


There are different landform regions in the United States. What is a landform region?

A region that has similar landforms throughout (plains, mountains, plateaus, hills, valleys).


A river system is made up of a large river and its tributaries. What is a tributary?

A stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river. 


What is the cause of the change in seasons?

Earth's orbit around the sun.

What is the difference between a renewable resource and a nonrenewable resource? 

Renewable resources can be made again by people or nature. Nonrenewable resources cannot be made again by people, or nature takes a long time to replace it. 


The United States has a northern and a southern neighbor. Which two countries are they?

Canada (northern) and Mexico (southern)


If I am in Florida, I am likely in which landform region in the United States?

The Coastal Plain


What are the names of the five Great Lakes?

Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario


List the three factors that affect climate.

Elevation, distance from larger bodies of water, and distance from the equator.


List three renewable resources and three nonrenewable resources. 

Renewable - water, trees, light, wind

Nonrenewable - ores, minerals, oil, and gas


Which region includes Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, and other states?

The Midwest region


What are the five landform regions in the United States?

The Coastal Plain, the Appalachian Mountains, the Interior Plains, the Rocky Mountains, and the Great Basin.

Which river, along with its tributaries, makes up the largest river system in the United States?

The Mississippi River


What are the four main vegetation regions in the United States?

Forest, grassland, desert, and tundra.


Why did people choose to settle along major rivers and bodies of water?

Major bodies of water were easy to use for transportation.


What are the five regions in the United States?

The West, Southwest, Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast


If I am at the east base of the Appalachian Mountains, in a region of hills and valleys, what region am I in?

The Piedmont

There is an imaginary line that divides the major river systems of North America into those that flow into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and those that flow into the Pacific or Arctic Oceans. What is the name of this imaginary line?

The Continental Divide

Which vegetation region is mostly found in the Interior Plains?



People use water to generate electricity. What is the name of the large, man-made water reservoir in the United States that generates a lot of electricity?

The Hoover Dam