It is located at 0 degrees latitude
What is the equator
What adaptation means
What is a change or adjustment to a way of life that allows people to live in a particular climate.
Some tribes were nomadic which means....
They moved around mainly to follow food sources
Name two foods that came from America
A contagious disease is....
What is an illness that spreads quickly through air or by germs
These factors affect where people live
When it is said that oil is a natural resource, that means.....
what is that oil comes from the earth
an area of the world where people develop similar ways of life, especially customs and beliefs
What is cultural regions
Reason the rulers of Spain wanted to have a shorter route to the East Indies.
What is to get sillks and spices
A community ruled by another country and not by its own people
What is a colony
What does climate mean?
What is weather patterns such as rainfall and temperature.
Why Native Americans told origin stories.
What is they explained how Earth and its people came to be
True or False: The Pomo indians wore clamshells for jewelry because they lived near the ocean and clamshells were easy to get.
What is true
Gold was important to the Europeans because.....
What is Europeans measured wealth in gold and silver
The river La Salle explored
The Mississipi
What a compass is used for
What is to find directions
When a native american tells an origin story, they are referring to a .....
What is a story that tells where their tribe comes from or comes to be
The Seminoles of southern Florida wore deer-hide leggings to trap alligators for their skins. True or False
An early scientific tool to locate the position of the stars
What is an astrolobe
Exploreres hoped to find a Northwest Passage that would lead them across the ice of the North Pole. True or False
What is false
The most important way rivers and lakes helped the United States become a wealthy country
what is they provided routes for ships and power for industry
When they migrated, the first Americans went in search of big game such as
Wigwams in the eastern woodlands were made of buffalo skins
True or False
What is false
What Ponce de Leon was looking for.
What is the fountain of youth
The reason Native Americans died from infectious diseases
What is they were exposed by the European settlers and they spread quickly.