US History
US History 2
In March 2011, an earthquake triggered a gigantic tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. This ultimately led to a catastrophic failure of what nuclear power plant? Is it Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, or Tsugura?
His most famous work describes how an "invisible hand" regulates capitalism. Which Scottish philosopher and Economist wrote The Wealth of Nations? Was it David Hume, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, or Adam Smith?
Adam Smith
What is the term for a large farm, usually in the south in the United States, that produces one or two cash crops such as tobacco or cotton? Is it Ranch, Estate, Hacienda, or Plantation?
The number of its members has ranged from 6 to 10 but has been 9 since 1869. What official body was, as of 2017, headed by John Roberts? Is it House of Representatives, Federal Reserve board, Interstate Commerce Commission, or the Supreme Court?
Supreme Court
Despite such events as the attack on us diplomats at Benghazi, the 2012 Democratic presidential candidate could point to the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden as an accomplishment. Which of the following was elected president in the 2012 election? Was it Barack Obama, Donald Trump, John McCain, or George W Bush?
Barack Obama
After losing to Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary, she served as his secretary of state during his first term in office. Which former US senator is currently presumed to be mounting a 2016 presidential campaign, and is related by marriage to a former president? Is it Condoleezza Rice, Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, or Kathleen Sebelius?
Hillary Clinton
The Dutch West India Company was directed to colonize the land and extract what rich is it could from the area around present-day New York. This land had been claimed in 1609 by what Dutch explorer? Was it Samuel Champlain, Henry Hudson, Sir Walter Riley, or Robert De La Salle?
Henry Hudson
In economics, this is one of the factors of production. It is not necessarily wanted for itself, but rather for its usefulness in production of a wanted good. It may also be a form of wealth useful in making more wealth. What is this factor of production, is it land, labor, capital, or demand?
Which of the following conflicts was caused by American outrage over the sinking of the USS Maine and ended with the United States becoming an imperial power? Was it the Mexican-American War, Spanish-American war, war of 1812, or Tripolitan War?
Spanish-American War
This building was known as the executive mansion from 1810 until 1902. What building is the official residence of the president of the United States? Is it Trump Tower, White House, Mar-A-Lago, or Blair House?
White House
One of the most important rights we have as a US citizen is the right to free speech. Which amendment to the Constitution guarantees this right to us? Is it Amendment 1, amendment 2, Amendment 4, or Amendment 5?
Amendment 1
He pledged a return to normalcy during his tenure as the 29th president of the United States from 1921 to 1923. Whose presidency suffered from The Teapot Dome scandal? Was it Warren G Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin Roosevelt, or Herbert Hoover?
Warren G Harding
In March 1765, parliament passed an act that placed a tax on legal documents and printing matter therefore affecting every colonist. This legislation was known as the what? Is it right of assistance, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, or Currency Act?
Stamp Act
One duty of U.S. residents is to help support public education, roads, and other services through taxes. Which of the following taxes would someone pay on the clothes she buys? Is it income, sales, property, or tariffs?
It began with Colin Kaepernick during the 2016 NFL season. What action was taken by more and more athletes in 2017 as a protest against what they consider inequality in American society? Was it burning the flag, taking a knee, refusing to vote, or refusing to play?
Taking a knee
Abraham Lincoln issued it on January 1st 1863. Which document formally freed the slaves in the Confederate States? Was it the Articles of Confederation, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg address, or Magna Carta?
Emancipation Proclamation
This early American General distinguished himself during the revolution. He assisted in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, led the siege of Quebec where he was wounded, served as military commander at Montreal, and eventually led an American Retreat down Lake Champlain, and was wounded a second time at the Battle of Saratoga. Who was this court-martialed Commander who, despite having his rank restored, defected to the British and is now known as a traitor? Is it Horatio Gates, Barry Saint Leger, Ethan Allen, or Benedict Arnold?
Benedict Arnold
Imagine that next week, you receive an invitation to the White House. What is the most socially correct way to address the president of the United States when you were introduced? Is it your Excellency, your honor, mr. Obama, or mr. president?
Mr. president
On September 11th 2001 the World Trade Center was destroyed by a terrorist attack committed by Al-Qaeda. What other important building was also attacked, but not destroyed, on that day? Was it the Pentagon, Capital, Smithsonian institution, or Empire State Building?
Although it was passed unanimously, only 12 colonies voted because New York abstained. What document starts with these words "When in the course of human events...."? Is it Articles of Confederation, Preamble to the u.s. Constitution, Article 1 of the US Constitution, or Declaration of Independence?
Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Franklin's efforts to make the turkey the United States official bird were unsuccessful. What type of bird received the honor instead? Is it California condor, whooping crane, bald eagle, or trumpeter swan?
Bald eagle
How many justices serve on a fully staffed United States Supreme Court? Is it 7, 8, 9, or 10?
When a person borrows money from a bank or other lending institution, he must pay back the amount of money he borrowed. Usually, he must also pay an extra percentage of the money, known as what? Is it interest, Capital, principal, or equity?
The boat shown it right was the first commercially successful Steamboat in the United States. What was the name of this boat, which went into service in 1807? Is it the Delta Queen, the Belle of Louisville, The Clermont, where the Robert S Fulton?
The Clermont
One right of US citizens is set forth in the Sixth Amendment. Which right below is mentioned in that Amendment? Is it freedom of speech, ownership of guns, freedom of the press, or trial by jury?
Trial by jury