Whole Body Listening
Brain & Body in the Group
Hidden Rules
Superflex and the Unthinkables
Is treating people with mutual respect an Expected or Unexpected behavior?
What is Expected behaviors.
Whole body listening teaches students to use which body parts to show that they are truly listening?
What is eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, body, brain, and heart.
Body in the group teaches students to be aware of their_____?
What is bodies.
This is all the social information that isn’t directly taught to you but everyone seems to know
What is hidden rules.
Who is the superhero who is a great problem-solver and can think of many different solutions to one problem.
Who is Superflex.
According to Expected Behaviors, what should you keep to your self?
What is hands, feet, objects.
What direction should your body be facing when someone is talking to you?
What is towards the speaker.
True or False. When your body is facing away from the group you are showing you are part of the group.
What is False.
Hidden rules are difficult to learn because they change how and when?
What is age/grade.
I get people to do only what I want and will not negotiate. Who am I?
Who is Rock Brain?
Expected or Unexpected? Following the directions the first time.
What is expected.
What are your feet doing when you are showing whole body listening?
What is they are quiet and on the floor.

During a camp game you are thinking about what you are going to have for dinner later. Is your brain in the group?

What is No.

This is an example of a hidden rule in the community.
What is (any example from) Barnes and Noble.
I can be flexible to some extent but then suddenly just break. My reaction does not match the situation. Who am I?
Who is Glass Man?
Which is an expected restroom behavior? A. Peeing on the floor B. Clean up after yourself
What is B. Clean up after yourself.
True or False. Whole body listening should only be done at school.
What is False.
The teacher is looking at and reading a book to the class. What should the students be thinking about?
What is the book.
When were children taught about hidden rules?
What is kindergarten.
I only talk about my interests and may interrupt to talk about what is on my mind. Who am I?
Who is One-Sided Sid?
True or false, when you pick your nose in front of other people they have weird thoughts about you.
What is True.
Why is your heart included in whole body listening?
What is the hear represents caring about what the other person is saying.

Thinking with your eyes: What is Ms. Jen thinking about?

What is the game?

True or false. The Hidden Rule Don’t Scratch your privates REALLY means don’t scratch your privates while people are looking?
What is True.
Name one strategy to defeat any Unthinkable you learned about today.
What is: Think about what you are going to say before you say it. Look for clues that others are not interested. Self talk: "I'm starting to get mad, I need to take a break. Notice what your doing is not working and try another way to solve the same problem.