Friendship skills
I feel
Expected vs Unexpected behaviours

Noah is playing with a ball and an older kid takes it from him. What could you do? 

ask the older kid to give it back, get a new ball or noah or tell a teacher.


I am lying in bed, listening to my favourite song. Everything is peachfulp and quiet. I feel....

Happy, calm & relaxed 


show me your favourite breathing technique

breath in 

breath out


What is an expected and unexpected behaviour? 

Expected - what is appropriate for the envrionment I am in, others will feel good and safe around me.

Unexpected - They surprise other people and may make them have uncomfortable thoughts about us.


You are taking a test and the guy behind you asks you for help. He wants to know what you put for question number two. What could you do?

You tell them you're sorry but cannot help them


Someone told Toby he was stupid because he didn't get any spelling words correct. What could you do?

Tell that person it is not nice to say that, remind them what it looks like to be kind. Remind toby all the things they are good at. Be a good friend to Toby.


I was supposed to go to the mall with Jordan, she went to the mall with Maya instead. I feel...

Sad, dissapointed, left out and hurt


A calming strategy that works for me 

deep breaths, walk, drink of water, talking to an adult

A friend asks you to do something you know is not an expected behavior during class, what do you do?

Tell them you are doing your job and you need to focus on it.


The teacher is giving directions, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking.  You can't hear the directions. What should you do?

You tell your friend to stop talking to you. You stay quiet and listen to your teacher


Amelia is upset because her friends arent talking to her and she does not know why. What should you do?

Ask her to play with you.


I have to give a presentation in front of the entire class. My hands are shaking. I feel...

Nervous, worried, overwhlemed


name a small problem that I have a big reaction about

spilling my coffee, a classmate budges in line etc.


expected vs unexpected: when I do not listen to an adult or other kids in the school. others around me feel?

unexpected - we listen to adults and other kids in the school when they are telling us something. They feel unsafe or frusturated when i do not listen.


There is a guy in your class who is always mean to you. He always bumps you when he walks by and he calls you names. He knocks stuff out of your hands and makes you feel stupid. You don't think you can take it anymore. What could you do?

Ask him to stop, talk to an adult, do not try and get even

Someone hit Lily on the play ground and called her a mean name. What do you do?

ask if shes okay - help her if needed. ask her if she wants to play. Talk to an adult


I have been waiting for my friend to call me all day. They should be home by now. I feel... 

worried, confused and concerned 


3 ways I can solve a problem by myself

ask them to STOP, take turns, ask to play, walk away, say sorry. 

If you try them ALL and the problem is not solved, talk to an adult


3 examples of expected and unexpected behaviours at school

Expected - rasing your hand to speak, walking in the classroom and hallsways, whole body listening and following the group 

Unexpected - distracting others, makig nosies, leaving the room, not listening when other kids or teacher are speaking


You were waiting to swing.  When it was your turn, another boy jumped in front of you and took the swing. What would you do?

Kindly explain you were waiting, if they don't get off, talk to an adult

No one will play with Oliver at playtime, even when he asks to join in games. What do you do? 

Invite him to play with you and your friends, ask what he wants to play.


My friend has been annyoing me all day. They haven't been kind and they have told our friends mean things about me. They tired to trip me today when I tried to walk away. I feel...

angry, annoyed, frustrated


What is Ms. Kennedy's favourite juice flavour? 

Cranberry (or orange)

When I do an unexpected thing, others around me feel?

unsafe, uncomfortable, nervous, confused


You ask a teacher or adult in the school for something, they say no. What do you do?

Try again later if appropriate, listen to them - DO NOT do it anyway!