Name an example of an expected behavior
Listening, Honesty, Clean up after self, Respect belongings
Name an example of an unexpected behavior
Inappropriate language, Interrupting, Fighting, Yelling
Do our behaviors impact the feelings of those around us?
Yes. Our behaviors can impact the feelings of those around us.
Can communication impact mood of others? How?
Yes! The words we say and information we share can impact how others feel and how they respond
EX: listening when someone is talking
You are 1 other person are in an elevator. Where should you NOT stand?
Very close to them
Name an expected behavior at school
Walk, Stay in seat, Pay attention, Raise hand
Name an unexpected behavior at school
Not listening, Interrupting, Being on device, Out of seat, Rolling in chair
Name 3 emotions you feel when you observe unexpected behaviors
Frustration, Uncomfortable, Upset, Stress
What is active listening?
Making the choice to listen, understand what they are saying, and retain (keep) the information being shared
Remember- the difference between listen and hear
EX: Asking Q"s, eye contact, nodding, facing the speaker
You are in a restaurant. Your parents ask you to order. What is an expected behavior?
Smile, be polite, make eye contact and tell them in a clear, inside voice
What can you do when you see someone doing an expected behavior
tell them good job, encourage them to continue postive beahviors
What can you do when others engage in unexpected behaviors?
ignore them, ask them to stop, tell an adult, do not follow in their footsteps.
Name 3 emotions you feel when you observe expected behaviors
Happy, Proud, Comfortable, Content
Give an example of using an I message to communicate your feelings
I feel_____ when you _____. I would like ______
great job!
Give 2 examples of some unexpected behaviors in a super market or store.
Yelling, running, hiding from your parents, talking to strangers that didn't talk to you first.
How do expected behaviors make us feel?
Content, happy, pleased, regulated
What do unexpected behaviors make us feel?
Dysregulated, upset, annoyed
Demonstrate 1 emotion you feel when you observe unexpected behaviors
Frustration, Uncomfortable, Upset, Stress
Why does yelling at someone not work?
Yelling is an unexpected behavior. There are healthier ways to communicate negative feelings such as using an I statement
What are 2 expected behaviors in a parking lots?
Stay with your parents, walking, looking all around for oncoming cars
Why should be engage in expected behaviors?
Expected behaviors make others feel safe and happy, we are making good decisions even when upset, we are using coping skills to help us feel better, there are no consequences for expected behaviors
Why should we not engage in unexpected behaviors
Others feel unsafe, uncomfortable. There are consequences, we are not using coping skills to help us make good choices
Demonstrate 1 emotion you feel when you observe expected behaviors
Happy, Proud, Comfortable, Content
Why is it hard to sometimes communicate our feelings in the moment?
When angry or upset, we may say things that are not true or hurtful. Using coping skills first can help us feel more calm and we are able to better talk about our feelings
Your teacher or parents introduce you to a stranger. What behaviors are unexpected?
You speak too softly, you don't make eye contact, you ignore them