Quiet thoughts we form in our brain
What is a Thought Bubble?
What we think affects how we ___________.
What is How we Feel?
When a group of people get together, they are usually thinking about doing the same thing.
What is a Group Plan?
Behavior that most people do in a certain situation that follow the spoken and hidden rules. This behavior causes others to be comfortable around us.
What is Expected Behavior?
Something that is not part of the plan and causes us to have negative feelings.
What is a Problem?
Imaginary files we keep in our brains to store information we learn about others
What are Friend Files?
We act as a result of what we ____ & _____.
What is Think and Feel?
We stand not too close, not to far and we are all doing the same thing
What is Body in the Group?
Behavior that most people would not do in a certain situation that does not follow the spoken and hidden rules. This behavior causes others to be uncomfortable around us.
What is Unexpected Behavior?
A problem a student can handle by themselves or with the help of a peer and can be fixed quickly.
What is a Small Problem?
The ability to observe and make sense of what's in front of us.
What is Thinking with your Eyes?
Program using colors to represent 4 areas of feelings for communicating emotions
What are Zones of Regulation? (blue, green, yellow, red)
The one leading the group has the plan (i.e. teacher in the classroom)
What is Person with the Plan?
We use information we already know, with what we see and hear for clues to make a guess
What is a Smart Guess?
Student needs the help of an adult, and may take a while to fix the problem.
What is a Medium Problem?
Thinking about only one thing or thinking in only one way.
What is Stuck Thinking?
Listen with all of your body -eyes looking at the speaker, ears ready to listen, mouth quiet waiting for a turn to talk, body facing speaker, hands quiet and to self, feet, quiet and still, brain thinking about what is being said and heart considering the speaker and others listening.
What is Whole Body Listening?
Student needs the help of a professional, and it may take a long time to fix a problem.
What is a Large Problem?
When we think in new or different ways about a situation.
What is Flexible Thinking?
Behaviors we show on the outside that come from the feelings we have on the inside. They should match the size of the problem.
What is a Reaction?