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1-4: For each inappropriate form of anger explain how someone might react after they have been embarrassed by a teacher:





1. Denial: Raise their eyebrows,  smile, Act like they are too mature for anger

2. Displacement:  Embarrass the quiet kid in class

3. Passive: Complain to their friend about how mean that teacher is.  But not directly dealing with the anger or solving the problem

4. Aggressive:  Yell at the teacher and throw their book


16-18.  List 3 Upstander responses:

16-18.   I statement,      Silent Stare,      Distraction,     Humor,        Group Intervention,     Bring it Home,   We're Friends, Right?



Bullying is peer on peer abuse, it involves what 3 people?

24.  Bully

25. Victim/Target

26. Bystander (Hopefully an upstander)


33.   When using REFUSAL Skills (A.R.C.A.B.L.A.)  you obviously need to speak assertively,  choose confident, non-threatening body language to deliver your message before taking action to refuse.  

What is step 4 in refusal skills?

  33.  Step 4:   Provide Alternatives (another suggestion)


42. If you only hold hands, hug and kiss, you are staying above “the line” (sexually abstaining)


42.  TRUE


5-7:   What are 3 healthy responses you can choose when you get angry?

5. Subtle Physical response (hands stretching behind my back, scrunching my toes),   Calming self-talk “I am  allowed to be mad, but why is this making me angry?, I need to practice Fast Forwarding”

6. Vent to someone and then solve the problem, Guided Imagery, strategy breathe, walk away come back when calm

7.  Is this a “10?”  Scream in a pillow, exercise, focus on your goals, get help


19:      Your friend is being verbally abused by their partner.  Describe how you could use one of the Upstander Responses.

19:  Group intervention:  Get a group of friends to walk over to the situation and bring the abused partner (victim) away from it.


27-29:  If you are confronted by a bully you should:

27. Show that it doesn’t bother you, remain calm and in control

28.  Be assertive: calmly and respectfully ask the bully to stop

29. Walk away, go to a safe area with friends or adults, Don’t fight back, someone could get seriously hurt  or killed


34.  What are the reasons it is important to be part of a group?

a?  b?  c?  d?  e?

34.  a,b,c,d


43-47   Give an example of each form of love language:

43.  Words of affirmation:  

44.  Gifts:  

45.  Physical touch:  

46.  Quality time:  

47.  Acts of Service:  

43.  Words of affirmation:  I am so proud of you,  You are so smart, You look beautiful/handsome

44.  Gifts:  notes in the lunch box,  fresh picked wild flowers, love letter, poem, gumball machine gift, shopping trip

45.  Physical touch:  Holding hands, head/hair caress, hugging, kissing, foot massage,---when married-below the line

46.  Quality time: picnic, walk and talk, beach and sunset, work out together, car ride and talk, 

47.  Acts of Service:  Help with homework or chores, help with any responsibility, show support


8.  Why are people with higher self-esteem/confidence less likely to feel frustrated?

8.   It helps put life in PERSPECTIVE when individuals have HEALTHY LEGAL skills, talents, interests, and goals. It helps them be PROACTIVE and practice FAST FORWARDING


20.   Define Violence:

use of _______ with the intent to ________ or _____.

20.  use of force with the intent to injure or kill.


30.  What step in Negotiation skills  uses Reflective Listening (“so what you are saying is….”) ?

a?  b?   c?   d?    e?


  b.    Step 2: 

 Prove you were listening to the other person’s perspective/position


35.  List 3 qualities of healthy relationships

35.  Love, acceptance, support, trust, communication, honesty, problem solving 

are qualities of healthy relationships


51-53.  List 3 Tough teen dating issues:

51.  Jealousy, unrealistic expectations

52.  Fear of rejection, lack of maturity, PASSION

53.  Not communicating in an assertive way


9.   Which type of person stands up for themselves, expresses their feelings in a nonthreatening way, communicates clearly, respectfully, and honestly.

9.  ASSERTIVE  (calm, clear, honest, respectful)


21.  Poverty, media violence, family violence, availability of weapons, drug abuse, and gang membership are NEVER risk factors for violence


21.  FALSE


31.  When using REFUSAL Skills (A.R.C.A.B.L.A.)  you obviously need to speak assertively,  choose confident, non-threatening body language to deliver your message before taking action to refuse.  

What is step 2 refusal skills?

31.   Step 2:  Give a reason for your refusal


36-38.  List 3 stressors that have potential for conflict in families:

36.  choice of friends, romantic relationships

37. choice of clothes, hair, make-up, jewelry, tattooing

38. self-destructive behaviors


54.  If you choose to stay above “the line”, you have a greater chance of success in later relationship because _________________

54.   ____you have less negative consequences___


10-12:   You don’t like playing competitive soccer anymore, what 3 passive responses could you do?

10. Complain to your friends

11.  Never practice, and show up late to practice

12.  Intentionally play bad


22-24  List 3 reasons fights often start:

22. arguments, embarrassment, hurt pride

23.  peer pressure, prejudice

24.  revenge,  control issues 


32.  When using REFUSAL Skills (A.R.C.A.B.L.A.)  you obviously need to speak assertively,  choose confident, non-threatening body language to deliver your message before taking action to refuse.  

What is step  3 in refusal skills?

32.     Step 3:  Show your concern to those pressuring you


39.  Getting relationship information from friends can be dangerous because

39.  my friends might not know all the facts, they can give me incorrect/untrue information, this is why people believe myths


55-57: List 3 possible consequences if you choose to go below  “the line”.

55.  you risk bringing responsibilities(past issues) to future relationships

56.  you risk your future, your respect for your self, your self-confidence

57.  you risk getting an STD, or pregnant, AND   staying emotionally connected to that person for the rest of your life