What is bullying?
Bullying is the use of force, hurtful teasing, comments, or threats, in order to abuse, aggressively dominate, or intimidate one or more others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual.
To seek to harm or intimidate someone, physically, verbally, or emotionally.
What is respect?
to hold in esteem or honor; to show regard or consideration for
In line, a student behind you hits you in the back of the head. What should you do?
How old is Ms. Rohde?
What is a bystander?
a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part
Give an example of how to respect your classmates!
:) thank you
Quietly remind them of the directions. If they still do not follow directions, focus on yourself.
What is Ms. Rohde's favorite food?
Give an example of bullying.
Physically hitting someone, saying mean things to someone's face OR behind their back, using negative body language (mean looks, eye rolling, attitude). cyberbullying
Give an example of how to respect your teacher!
thank you :)
You see a student verbally bullying another student. What should you do?
Politely and calmly ask them to stop. If they do not, let an adult know.
What is Ms. Rohde's favorite dessert?
ice cream!!!!
Have you ever been bullied? Please give an example WITHOUT USING NAMES.
thank you for sharing
Give an example of how to respect your caretakers!
thank you :)
You are standing with a group of friends and one person starts to say negative and mean things about another student who is not with you. What should you do?
"I don't like to gossip or talk about other people when they are not here to defend themselves. I am going to remove myself from this situation if we don't change the subject."
What is Ms. Rohde's favorite Disney movie?
Have you ever stood up to a bully? Please give an example WITHOUT USING NAMES.
thank you for sharing
Give an example of how to respect your belongings and property!
Thank you! :)
An adult in the building says something to you that you feel is disrespectful or unfair. What should you do?
Accept what they say. When you are feeling calm, consider having a conversation to let them know how you feel. Involve another adult if possible.
FREE SPACE! You may ask Ms. Rohde one question and get 500 points.