Social Skills
Cooking Skills
Hygiene Skills
Health Skills
Safety Skills

If you're bored and can't sleep in the middle of the night, is it ok to call your friend?



Tell me what your favorite snack is! Is it easy or hard to make? Or do you buy it at the store? 

Yum! Thanks for sharing!


I'm talking in class and I accidentally burp. What should I say? 

Whoops, excuse me! 


I only drink soda all day long. Is this a healthy choice?

No! I should drink less soda and more water!!


You want to go to your friend's house. Should you tell someone and if so who?

Yes. Tell a parent or an adult in the home. 


When you go to someone's house instead of sitting outside and yelling their name, what should you do?

Ring the doorbell or knock on the door

Can you name three different kinds of breakfast foods? 

Thanks for sharing! 


Should you only wash my hands before you eat dinner?



My tooth is hurting. Who should I go see to help me? 



I'm swimming outside in my pool and hear thunder. What should I do? 

Get out of the water and go inside! It's not safe to swim in a storm, even if the thunder seems far away.


If someone does not quickly call or text you back, should you keep calling and texting them all day until they answer? 



Name three things I can find in the frozen food aisle at the grocery store. 

Ice cream, frozen pizzas, popsicles, MANY frozen meals, frozen fruit/veggies, frozen pies, etc. 

You are going to go to school today. Name three things you need to do before leaving the house.

Shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, put on clean clothes, eat breakfast, etc.


I'm going on a car trip with my friends. What should I do before the car starts to move? 

Put on my seatbelt!! 


I pour a glass of milk and notice it smells bad. The label says it's past its expiration date. What should I do? 

Don't drink it and dump the rest. Expired food can give us food poisoning and make us sick. 


You ask your teacher a question, and you don't like the answer they gave you. Should you say, "Wow, that's a really dumb answer." 



Name two things you can cook in a frying pan.

Eggs, Grilled Cheese, BACON, Stir Fry, etc. 


I am not feeling well. I have a runny nose, fever, and a cough. What should I do?

Stay home!! If I feel really sick I should make an appointment to go see a doctor. 


Name three sports/activities that you should wear a helmet while doing. 

Riding a bike, riding a motorcycle, skateboarding, rollerblading, snowboarding, etc. 


You met this really nice person when you were by yourself and they asked you to get in the car with them because they have a special surprise. What should you do?

Say "NO!, walk away immediately and tell a parent/adult.


I am hungry but I spent all of my money on a video game. Would it be rude for me to ask my friends to buy me lunch every day for the next two weeks?

Yes, that is rude and not something a true friend should do. Every now and then friends like to help you out, but if you are ALWAYS asking your friends to do something for you, they will grow tired of it.


Name three things you can eat with a spoon. 

Ice cream, soup, pudding, yogurt, chili, oatmeal, cereal, etc. 


It is very important that we take care of our teeth. What are three things you should do to make sure your teeth stay healthy? 

Brush them, use mouthwash, floss, see a dentist, eat/drink fewer sugary things, etc. 


Gym class is where we learn fun ways to move our bodies and stay healthy. Tell me three activities/sports you like to do to stay healthy!

Play kickball, walk, play basketball, play soccer, etc. 


It's the middle of the night and a stranger is banging on your door and yelling "Let me in!" What should you do? 

Do NOT open the door. Tell an adult. If the person doesn't leave and you don't feel safe it is ok to call the police.