Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
First Aid
Garden Skills

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to walk in to the room without knocking on the door.

False. You should always knock on the door before entering a room that is not yours.


What item is used to "flatten" or press wrinkles out of clothing? Bonus 50 pts - What can you do if you don't have this item?

An iron. Hang the item near a steaming shower for a little while. Wrinkle release spray. 


What are some examples of good hygiene?

- Brushing your teeth

- Taking a shower 

- Making your bed

- Brushing/combing your hair


How can you treat sunburn? 

Water, Aloe, rest, reduce exposure


What is one benefit of gardening besides general food production?

Self reliance


Better for environment

Improved health
Sense of place


What are possible consequences of looking into someone's belongings when they aren't aware/there.

- Feelings of guilt

- That person finding out & being upset, angry, losing trust in you

- Friendship struggles

- Mistrust

- Claims of bullying

- Finding something you weren't supposed to, such as gifts or information they wished to remain private


What are two different strategies or tools for time management?

Planners, Prioritizing, multi-tasking, Schedules, Calendars, Alarms, Check-Ins


What are the correct steps to treating a cut or scrape?

Wash the cut or scrape with soap and water, apply a band-aid

Wash your hands, wash the cut with soap and water, apply antibiotic cream, apply band-aid

Apply Band-aid

Leave it alone

Should you ever need to call 911, what are the details you should be ready to communicate to the dispatcher?

Your name, any information like name age gender of patient, situation of patient, medical history of patient (if known), location. 


Butterflies are most attracted to this in your garden. What is it?

  1.  Flowers

  2. Weeds

  3. Blossoming Trees

  4. Trees that bear fruit


Did you know that, while humans hate weeds, butterflies are very attracted to them and simply love them!


Why might someone not quickly respond to your question? What could you do?

They might need time to think/process, perhaps didn't hear you, might be confused by the question, or they may find the question inappropriate.

You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. You could also ask if they feel comfortable answering the question or need clarification.


True or False: At School, it is okay to walk around the building when you need a break as long as you let your teacher know.

True - It's ok to take a break when you need it.


How long should you wash your hands for?

20-30 seconds


How many compressions does one give during CPR before providing 2 rescue breaths? Bonus 50 Pts: What song(s) can you use to help keep the right pace?


Staying alive and another one bites the dust.

100-120 BPM music.


What is at least one benefit of companion planting?

Minimize pests

Increase yield

Increase quality of taste


You notice that your friend is sad, what are some things that you can do to help them?

- Ask what's wrong

- Ask if they need space

- Tell a funny joke (depending on the situation)

- Ask what they might need from you to best support them.

Asking what you can do vs. Do you need help is a good way to help the person feel more "permitted" to make request.


At this age, what are some strategies for managing your money?

Piggy bank

Opening your first bank account (checking)

Keeping a simple record of deposits and withdrawals.


It's a hot summer day and I can smell my body odor. What can I do to prevent this?

- Apply body spray or deodorant in the morning before going out.

- Take a shower using soap


What should you do/not do if someone has a seizure.

DONT: Put anything in their mouth. Restrain them. Move them.

DO: Keep others at a safe distance. Provide a safe place for the movement. Put something soft under their head if possible. Record the time of seizure start and end. Keep person calm when they come back around.


Name one food we eat that is from at least 4 of the following parts of a plant.

Seed -
Flower -
Root -
Stalk -
"Fruit" -

Seeds - peas, beans, seeds
Flower - Broccoli! Edible flowers such as hibiscus, lavender, etc.
Root - Potatoes

Stalk - asparagus

Fruit: Tomato, Squash


You hear/see two friends talking about someone who isn't with them. The things they are saying aren't very kind, but are true. What could you do to POSITIVELY impact this situation

Stop the behavior by interrupting and changing the subject with a question.

Stop the behavior and directly share that you do not think it is kind to talk about someone while they aren't there. Opinions are OK, but sharing those when they aren't kind can be hurtful when someone finds out.

Chat with a teacher/adult you trust about the situation.

How do you politely answer a phone call if it is someone you do not know?

Hello. This is _______________. May I ask who is calling please? 


This product should be applied ~ every hour to prevent injury to the skin. Bonus 50 pts: What other protection from the sun should you be using?

Sun Block



What is one heat related illness? 1000 pts if you can name all three in order from least to greatest threat. 

  • Heat rash (also called prickly heat or miliaria), which is a stinging skin irritation that turns your skin red.
  • Heat cramps, which are painful spasms in your muscles.
  • Heat exhaustion, which is caused by too few fluids and long hours in high temperatures, causes heavy sweating, a fast and weak pulse and rapid breathing.
  • Heat stroke, which is a life-threatening illness, happens when your temperatures rises above 106 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius) quickly – within minutes

What should you NOT put in your compost?

  1.  Egg Yolk

  2. Animal Manure

  3. Cardboard

  4. Printer Paper

Egg yolks are very useful in everyday life… but not in your compost! Egg shells, however, are easily compostable and you should take the opportunity to. Composting is very easy, and good for your soil!