Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to walk in to the room without knocking on the door.

False. You should always knock on the door before entering a room that is not yours.


True or false:

I can play while the teacher gives directions.



What are some examples of good hygiene?

- Brushing your teeth

- Taking a shower 

- Making your bed

- Brushing/combing your hair


What are possible consequences of looking into someone's belongings when they aren't aware/there.

- Feelings of guilt

- That person finding out & being upset, angry, losing trust in you

- Friendship struggles

- Mistrust

- Claims of bullying

- Finding something you weren't supposed to, such as gifts or information they wished to remain private


True or false:

I should keep my desk organized at school.



What are the correct steps to treating a cut or scrape?

Wash the cut or scrape with soap and water, apply a band-aid

Wash your hands, wash the cut with soap and water, apply antibiotic cream, apply band-aid

Apply Band-aid

Leave it alone


Why might someone not quickly respond to your question? What could you do?

They might need time to think/process, perhaps didn't hear you, might be confused by the question, or they may find the question inappropriate.

You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. You could also ask if they feel comfortable answering the question or need clarification.


True or False: At School, it is okay to leave my seat or classroom when I feel like it.

False. You should never leave your seat or classroom and should always be with your teacher.


How long should you wash your hands for?

20-30 seconds


You notice that your friend is sad, what are some things that you can do to help them?

- Ask what's wrong

- Ask if they need space

- Tell a funny joke (depending on the situation)

- Ask what they might need from you to best support them.

Asking what you can do vs. Do you need help is a good way to help the person feel more "permitted" to make request.


When should you see firefighters?

Only if there's a fire emergency.


I sneezed in my hands, what do I do?

Wash hands.


A friend does not want to play the same game as you. What should you do?

Find a different game to play or play with a different friend.

How do you politely answer a phone call if it is someone you do not know?

Hello. This is _______________. May I ask who is calling please? 


In the sun, this product should be applied every hour to prevent injury to the skin. 

Sun Block