Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to walk in to the room without knocking on the door.

False. You should always knock on the door before entering a room that is not yours.


True or False: It's a great idea to go shopping and leave your wallet at home. 

False: How do you pay for things when we shop? We need our wallet to pay with a debit card, credit card or cash.


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

Excuse me!


True or False: It is okay to drink soda with every meal, as long as I don't eat as much that day.

False. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water!!


True or False: you have to share objects of your own?

False: as long as you explain yourself, you do not have to share with other individuals 


What are the other therapist names here at the ADC?

Ms. Megan and Ms. Kate


How do you care for uncooked meat? (Ex: chicken, ground beef, etc.)

You can place it in the fridge and cook within 1-2 days OR freeze immediately after purchasing


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water


What are signs someone is showing that they do not want to talk to you right now or that they aren't interested?

closed body language, lack of response. 


What animal can hold their breath longer than a dolphin?

A sloth


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


True or False: At work, it is okay to walk around the building during your shift when you're done with your task.

False - there is never a reason to walk around without a purpose. You should ask your manager for another task. 


What does the ADC stand for?

Autism Diagnostic Center


I can NOT stop thinking about my favorite holiday. I am going to tell everybody about it every time I think about it. Is this okay? 

It is great that you are excited but be mindful of how many times you tell the same story or say the same thing. 


True or False: If I see someone I don't know steal something from the store, I should confront them and tell them that it's wrong. 

False: It can be unsafe to confront someone you don't know. You should walk away and you can politely tell a store employee what you saw.


What is Scotland's national animal?

The unicorn


Where did Ms. Riley go to high school?

Washington township high school


What can I do to prevent body odor?

- Take a shower using soap, every day. 

- Apply body spray or deodorant in the morning before going out.


True or False:  It is important to eat foods from all of the different food groups

True. You should be eat a balanced meal of vegetables, fruits, protein, and carbs.


If someone is looking at me I should stand up and yell out - What are you looking at?

NO, NEVER. That is inappropriate behavior. Tell the person politely that they are making you uncomfortable and ask them to stop. If that doesn't work walk away or ask someone you trust for advice. 

How do you greet a friend or teacher whenever you walk into a classroom?


-Good morning

-How are you?


What should you do before you microwave a frozen meal that is wrapped in aluminum "tin" foil.  

Remove the tin foil before microwaving so you don't cause a fire.


What is something important to do at least twice a day?

Brush your teeth with toothpaste and floss.


Why is it important to exercise? 

To feel good/have a positive mindset.

To keep a healthy weight.


Is it appropriate to ask a stranger personal information or give personal information? Why?



What  physical touch is appropriate between an adult and a student in school?

giving a high five or a hand shake. 


True or False: It's okay to stay out late and not tell you someone where you are. 

False. This is not safe.


Why is it important to shower everyday?

You will smell if you don't. You might not notice but others will. 


Just because adults are talking in front of you does not mean....

you assume they are talking about you or keep asking questions.


How long was social skills group for?

8 weeks


True or False: It's okay to ignore my friends or teacher when they are talking to me.

FALSE: This is not kind. 

Can I have extra time to think of an answer? Can I please have a short break?

Is an avocado a fruit or vegetable?

It is a Fruit! 


True or False: Australia is bigger than the moon



How many kids does Ms. Riley have?



True or False: When you are home by yourself and someone knocks on the door or rings the bell, you should answer the door, even if you aren't expecting anyone. 

False: This is not safe. Do not answer the door for anyone who knocks or rings the bell, unless you make sure that you know the person first.