Hygiene Social Skills

If you are unsure if someone is in the restroom, what should you do on the door?

What is knock


True or False: It's okay to sing when someone is talking to me.

False. This is not kind.


This is where we should put our dirty clothes before washing them

What is the hamper 


I just burped loudly. I should say ____.

What is excuse me! (then moo)


When walking up or down the stairs, should we:

Walk carefully

Run and Jump

Walk carefully.

Running up or down the stairs can cause you to fall and injure yourself.


TRUE OR FALSE:  It is ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking.

What is FALSE. 

It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


If someone is talking about their upcoming weekend fishing trip, how should you answer?

a. I don't like fishing

b. Where are going?

c. I am going to my aunts this weekend

What is 

c. I am going to my aunts this weekend


Before cooking or eating, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

What is Wash my hands (with soap and water)


You see someone who looks strange to you. Should you stare at them or ask them why they look that way?

What is No. 

Doing this might make them feel badly


This is how should should answer if a stranger asks you for your personal information (like social security or address)

What is say "no I'm sorry that's personal information"


If two people are having a conversation about a serious health condition, should you:

a. ask what they are talking about

b. interrupt them to tell them about your health

c. not join the conversation unless they include you

What is 

c. not join the conversation unless they include you


Is it ok to jump when having a conversation with someone?

What is no


What do you use to wash your hair?

What is Shampoo

You can also use conditioner.


True or False: It's okay to ignore my friends or teacher when they are talking to me.

What is FALSE

Can I have extra time to think of an answer? Can I please have a short break?


If a stranger asks you to come to their car and they will give you food, what should you do?

What is not go


Someone is wearing very nice jewelry. What is NOT ok to say?

1. I like your jewelry!

2. What brand is it?

3. How much money did it cost?

What is 

3. How much money did it cost?


If someone is talking about a topic, should you talk about the same topic or something different?

What is the same topic


This is what you use to wipe food off your face

a. your hand

b. a napkin

c. your shirt

What is

b. a napkin


What's a nice way to let your friend know he/she has food on their face?

Quietly tell your friend that his/her that there is food on their face.

You can also quietly motion to where the food is and quietly wipe it away.


What is NOT ok to put in the microwave?

a. metal/tinfoil

b. plastic

c. glass 

What is

a. metal/tinfoil

it will spark and potentially cause a fire!


Is it ok to ask your teacher or volunteers their address or phone number?

What is no


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


This is how often you should brush your teeth

What is 1-2 times a day


This is an appropriate response when someone is talking about something boring

a. ignore them and walk away

b. talk about yourself instead

c. ask one or 2 questions then change the subject

What is 

c. ask one or 2 questions then change the subject


If you are crossing the street in a group, who should check for cars?

1. the people in the front

2. the teacher or volunteer

3. every person crossing

What is

3. every person crossing