(True or False?)
The first prime minister was a guy named John A. Macdonald
ya. It iz super true!!1!1!
(True or False?)
There are eight thousand two hundred fifty eight (8258) people in the Haida Nation
biggest false!! its actually 4,500
Why would people do the Fur Trade?
to trade valuable items and profit from it!?!?!?!?!?!?
What is slavery, and why did they trade slaves?
Slavery is making humans work forever, also known as owning humans. unleashing anger on them and make them do the forbidden work. To them it was better human = better worker.
Was Calgary named and inspired by a scottish beach?
(yes or no)
(True or False?)
There were 9,000 workers building the underground railroad, and two thirds of people there were chinese
How many islands did the Haida Nation have?
About 200 islands
How was the fur trade invented?
A fashion craze happened in Europe during the 17th century.
Fun fact: How many years did the slave trade lasted?
400 YEARS!?!?!??!?
Since when did the Irish Canadians start living in Canada?
ITS DA 1600's!!!
Today there are about ____ Haida living in the territory of Haida Gwaii
What was the main currency when Fur Trading?
Beaver pelts?
It is estimated that over ______ slaved fled to Canada during 1780.
IT IZ 30,000!!1!1!
If you were to take a guess on how many people migrated to canada in 1815 to 1850 what would the number be?
800,000 !!!1!111
The earliest record of Chinese settlers is in 1788, when ___ Chinese labourers were brought by ship to Canada
Is it 120?
What region is the Haida Nation in?
In the fall and winter, men trapped beavers for profit and value as the currency. What is the other reason for it?
is it for preparing for the trading?!!!???!??!?
Fun fact: What year did slavery start?
around the 1780's.
About how many Irish Canadians living in canada today?
NO WAY IT IS 5,000,000!
Why did the head tax for chinese citizens exist?
To prevent them from coming to Canada and make Chinese people despise the country.
Name all of the clans in Haida Nation?
The Eagles, and The Ravens!
If you were to estimate on how much value a beaver pelt has, What would it be?
it would be higher in the 1600's about $100 dollars or more, but now it is a mere $25
Steps of trading a slave would require:
1, Ships would pick up the slaves and transport them
2,An agreements between owners are made
3, _________________________? (What's the third step?)
The slave owners would exchange slaves and call it final.
What year did the Irish people settled in canada and migrated
1625 to the 1600's