Social and Cultural Change and Continuity
Research Methods
Pop Culture
BS & I
Fundamental Concepts

Slow change that happens overtime in society causing long-lasting or permanent change.

What is Evolutionary Change?


Closed-ended questionnaires are an example of primary and ------- research.

What is Quantitative?


Better CGI, increase use of Social media for trailers and fandom connection, Increase of platforms to access SF e.g. Disney+ are all examples of _______ impacting how consumers can experience the SF Pop Culture.

What is technology?


Main objective of the suffrage movement in England

What is women earning the right to vote?


Made up of people, groups, networks, institutions, organisations and systems.

What is society?


The persistence of consistent existence of cultural elements in a society across time.

What is continuity?


Focus groups can be considered primary and -------?

What is qualitative?


Founded on October 16, 1923.

What is Disney?


An organised collection or body of ideas that reflects the beliefs, values and interests of a group, system, institution or nation creating a collective and coherent structure of thinking.

What is Ideology?


Unique individuals who develops in a social and environmental setting in which he or she is influenced by, and interacts with, other persons and groups.

Define persons


A social process where the values, customs and practices of Western industrial capitalism are adopted to form the basis of cultural change.

What is Westernisation?


Ensuring anonymity of a participant in observation is an example of this type of consideration.

What is an Ethical consideration?


A set of stories or traditions that provide a framework for societies to explain or support a belief or practice.

What is mythology?


A particular philosophy of life or conception of the world that is characterised by an organised and accepted set of ideas that attempts to explain the social, cultural, physical and psychological world.

What is Worldview?


The shared knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that give each society its coherence, identity and distinctive way of life.

What is culture?


A school getting a new principal is an example of what at which level of society.

What is change at the meso level?


Researchers in THIS research method quantify and analyse the presence, meanings and relationships of words and concepts in a text or series of texts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts, the writer(s), the audience, and even the culture and time of which these are a part.

What is Content Analysis?


A social process by which an item is prepared in readiness to be traded. The process relies on marketing strategies with the aim of producing a perceived value in the item.

What is commodification?


A process whereby religion loses its influence over the various spheres of social life

What is secularisation


A particular physical setting that presents societies and their cultures with both opportunities and constraints.

What is environment?


Social Institutions adapt to maintain equilibrium in society.

What is functionalism?


Not secondary research, THIS research method can also involve multiple other research methods within it, for example Interviews, participant observation and focus groups.

What is a case study?


A person with an interest or concern in something

What is a stakeholder?


The underlying principle or set of ideas that contains a way of thinking and behaving that makes up a broad field of knowledge or doctrine of thought.

What is philosophy?


Best studied in context – last century, this century, and pre- and post-events – or as a particular decade. Also studied in relation to continuity and change.

What is time?