Fundamental concepts
Additional course concepts
Concepts or Research Methods
Research Methods
The number of fundamental concepts
What is 5
The number of additonal concepts
What is 6
Interactions occur between the micro and the macro levels of society. Groups in the community, village, school, workplace, local interest club, branch, organisation and state.
What is Meso Level
Researchers collect data that can be measured, counted or quantified, resulting in a statistical report. The focus of quantitative research is WHAT and HOW MANY.
What is quantitative
Every person is a unique individual who develops in a social and environmental setting in which he or she is influenced by, and interacts with, other persons and groups. Communication, the sharing of values and beliefs, and cooperation are major interactions. The identity achieved by each individual is the result of interactions at the micro, meso and macro levels of society.
What is persons
The right to make decisions and to determine, adjudicate or settle issues and disputes in society. It is best understood as the legitimate use of power.
What is authority
The use and evaluation of personal experiences and values to demonstrate analysis and interpretation of data in the context of the research focus.
What is Personal Reflection
Researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of an issue by way of open-ended questioning, non-statistical research techniques, or value-based observations. A qualitative investigation focuses on WHY and HOW.
What is qualitative
There is a ___________ interaction between the five fundamental concepts, as illustrated by the concepts diagram in the syllabus.
What is dynamic
This refers to the socially constructed differences between females and males. Social life – including family life, roles, work, behaviour and other activities – is organised around the dimensions of this difference. Gender also refers to the cultural ideals, identities and stereotypes of masculinity and femininity and the sexual division of labour in institutions and organisations.
What is Gender

The preconceived view of the characteristics of a group held by individuals who are not members of that group. These views are usually negative, generalised and inflexible, and ignore differences that exist between the members of the stereotyped group.

What is Stereotype

With closed-ended questions or rating scale questions where the findings can be counted and observed as statistics – the data collected can be quantified.
What is Questionnaire
Every person, society, culture and environment is located in a period of time and is changing with time. It can be examined as past, present and future. Our perceptions are drawn from past events and these influence our ideas about the present.
What is Time
This refers to the sense of self and can be viewed from a personal, social and cultural level. It is formed over a period of time and is the result of interactions at the micro, meso and macro levels of society.
What is identity

The process by which individuals learn to become functioning members of society by internalising the roles, norms and values of that society.

What is socialisation?

As a qualitative method, it is used to analyse and interpret themes, words and images from documents, film, art, music and other cultural artefacts and media. After coding the responses, the researcher analyses, interprets and makes qualitative judgements about meanings of the content.
What is Content Anlaysis
This refers to the shared knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that give each society its coherence, identity and distinctive way of life. It is demonstrated by the beliefs, customs, values, norms, rules, laws, governance, arts, technologies and artefacts that people generate and use as they interpret meaning from their world and solve present and future problems.
What is Culture
It is the process of integration and sharing of goods, capital, labour, services, knowledge, leisure, sport, ideas and culture between countries.
What is Globalisation
The body of cultural practices and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation, often by word of mouth and behavioural modelling, that are integral to the socialisation process and that represent stability and continuity of the society or culture.
What is Tradition

It involves the in-depth study of a cultural group, which can be any group of individuals who share a common social experience and/or location. Case study is considered a methodology when it combines two or more research methods, such as ‘observation, interview and documentary evidence’, to gather the data.

What is Case Study