
Define what deviance means

behavior that is outside the limits of societal functions


What is the Integrated Theory?

crime is explained by a combination of different theories


The church youth group has opened a counseling program within their building, and has invited several juvenile delinquents to participate in achieving peace and recognizing justice. Which theory/element does this scenario mostly falls under?

Peace making/ New Critical Criminology


This theory states that the definition of crime was created by "authorized agents in a politically organized society,"?

The Conflict Theory


What theory would restorative justice fall under?

New Critical Criminology


What does bonding refer to?

emotional and physical attachment occurring between a parent or parent figure, especially a mother, and offspring, that usually begins at birth and is the basis for further emotional affiliation.


Which theory criticizes society with an "androcentric bias" or a focus on men?

The Feminist Theory


Betty has always felt that many of the research and careers in criminal justice leaned towards men more than women. What theory does this best relate to?

The Feminist Criminology


Give examples of what might Left Realism theorists be against.

Prisons, more police, and longer sentences.


Why might one who believes in individual responsibility dispute the Labeling Theory?

the labeling theory does not recognize individual's free will to commit crimes as it focuses on how individuals are labeled deviant


What is an anomie?

moral confusion or breakdown in mores or a gap between goals and means in society


Which theory links capitalism to be a factor for crime?

The Radical Criminology


Bob, who is 18 years old, thinks that drinking alcohol should be allowed for anyone regardless of age; therefore he goes out and drinks at a party. According to the law, however, only those who are 21 years and older can consume alcohol; Bob is later fined and arrested with under age drinking. How does this apply to the Labeling Theory, and what characteristic of Bob makes him considerable as a deviant.

The Labeling Theory declares that individuals are deviants because society or social control agencies has labeled them as deviant. Underage drinking has not always been a crime until it was established as one. Bob's age of 18 years old makes him a deviant if he consumes alcohol, when he is 21 years old, he will not be a deviant for underage drinking because he will be of age to legally drink.


crime diverts lower class's attention from experienced exploitation and direct it toward other members of their class instead of the capitalist class

What is Radical Criminology


What element of the New Critical Criminology is difficult to critique due to its comparison to religious beliefs of others?



Distinguish the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance

Primary deviance refers to the initial deviant act in itself; secondary deviance refers to deviance that ensues as a result of a person being labeled and identified as criminal


As part of New Critical Criminology, which concept states that crime can be eliminated when peace and justice is formed?



Tom does not believe that offenders who commit minor thefts should not face imprisonment, instead, he suggest that they should repay the amount equivalent to their offense and commit themselves to community service. Which concept and theory relates best to Tom's idea?

Left realism of New Critical Criminology?


Name the theory that focuses on the victimization of women, gender differences in crime, and differential treatment of women in the justice system.

Feminist Criminology


How does the conflict model of criminal law and conflict theory relate?

Conflict model of criminal law is the belief that criminal law reflects the conflicts of interest groups and that the more powerful groups define the laws. Similarly, the conflict theory, one aspect states how criminal definitions are applied by segments of society that have the power to shape enforcement and administration of the law.


Define Critical Criminology by listing all five major theories

Labeling theory, conflict theory, feminist theory, new critical theory, and radical theory


Which theory of the integrated theory asserts that bonding and strain variables had little effect on delinquency, but bonding to delinquent peers had the major effect?

Elliott's Integrative Theory


Sue is a juvenile delinquent despite her family's attempts to stop her deviant actions, and continues to commit crimes such as vandalism and car-jacking with her friends. Using Elliot's Integrative Theory, explain why Sue might continue to engage in criminal activities.

Elliot's Integrative Theory concluded that variables including social bonding with families, or gaps between aspirations and achievements, etc. do not account for juvenile delinquency as much as social learning does. Social learning occurs as Sue may be bonding to deviant peers, thus engaging in deviant activities.


What theory does this statement: "state is organized to serve the interests of the dominant economic class" refer to?

Radical Criminology


Does the process of labeling create more crime than it prevents?

The answer is unknown.