Mystery Box
What's that Theory?
Key Terms
Who's that Theorist?

The two types of social action proposed by Max Weber.

What is rational and non-rational action?


The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society and human interaction.

What is sociology?


The term for the capitalist or wealthy class in our society according to Karl Marx.

What is bourgeoise?


The theorist that believed that society was "not a sum of equal parts"? He instead proposed that each part of society, bad or good, contributed to the whole.

Who is Emile Durkheim?


The type of suicide Durkheim states is influenced by the pressure on an individual from their community members or moral obligation such as honor suicides and suicide bombings.

What is Altruistic Suicide?


The theory that asserts that communication can be the tool for achieving a true democratic society. 

What is communicative action?


The term for the working class, who carry the brunt of a capitalistic society, according to Karl Marx?

What is the proletariat?

The theorist that asserted that we live in a capitalistic society based on inequality with classes separated between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

Who is Karl Marx?


Who coined the term "sociology"?

Who is Auguste Comte?


The theory that proposes society is inherently unequal and centered around the struggle for power, money, and resources.

What is conflict theory?


A highly specialized way occupational tasks are separated in a capitalistic society.

What is division of labor?

The theorist that concluded society was not only centered around economics but culture and political status as well, presenting a multidimensional approach to the study of society.

Who is Max Weber?


The Enlightenment period inspired the beginnings of the sociology discipline. Name one of the revolutions that occurred alongside this new wave of thought.

What is the American Revolution?

What is the French Revolution?


The theory that proposes science/technology is harnessed to economic profits and to the control and domination of society and of nature.

What is critical theory?


The type of authority figure that has personal grace/charm and persuades people to do things – has authority over them.

What is Charismatic Authority?


The theorist that highlighted the intersectionality of race and gender inequalities

Who is W.E.B Dubois?


Why does Marx believe the average working citizen still participate in a capitalistic society even though they do not benefit to this type of system at an equal magnitude as the wealthy (capitalist)?

What is consumerism?


The type of suicide that occurs due to lack of social bonds such as an outcast that experiences bullying.

What is egoistic suicide?


The theorist that stated in a postmodern society the lines between reality and simulation had become blurred.

Who is Jean Baudrillard?