Norman the Great
Let's Get Real
Star Trek

The pursuit of knowledge through systematic methods.

What is Science?


Talks about how everyone should be opened to scientific knowledge because science is additive.

What is Communalism?


The Piltdown hoax in 1912 is a prime example of this phenomenon in science, fooling the public.

What is Fraud?


This black woman character was on the bridge, and broke societal norms by kissing a white male in an episode.

Who was Uhura?


The investigation of sociologists on how scientific knowledge develops

What is the Sociology of Science?


If issues are not well-defined or are controversial, such as cloning, scientists often adopt this set of norms.

What are counter norms?


This is one of the principal causes of norm violations, because even scientists want to win.

What is competition?


In one episode, a woman from the past predicts these future scientific breakthroughs as a way of giving hope to men in a soup kitchen. Name one.

What is atomic power and/or spaceships?

Instead of making philosophical speculations, this method through systematic and objective ways collects information

What is the Scientific Method?


It explains how no matter what gender, nationality, race, religion or class an individual is, everyone should be encouraged to pursue scientific research.

What is Universalism?


A famous scientific hoax, from a Harvard researcher, John Darsee, in the 1980s, concerned this very prominent killer disease, and created over 70 errant articles.

What is heart disease?


As an example of scientific breakthrough and over-reach of Computer systems, the M5 machine destroys a space freighter over Kirk's objections by doing this.

What is maintaining control of the Enterprise and firing phasers?


It explains that the public/professional recognition will go to the ones who have already achieved it

What is the Matthew effect?


Tells that knowledge doesn’t stagnate and therefore no theory or fact aren’t blindly accepted.

What is Organized skepticism?


Regarding views of scientific reality, if people define situations as real, then THIS will also be real.

What are "consequences?"


The biggest fan of Star Trek in Sociology this year at OASIS.

Who is Jerry?


A way to describe the set of shared concepts, assumptions and methods that make up reality

What is a Paradigm?


Scientists shouldn’t work for themselves and personal gain, and already should do it to seek for the truth.

What is Disinterestedness?


Before either of these astronomers, society believed the earth was the center of the solar system...and Church dogma enforced this thinking.

Who were Copernicus, or who was Galileo?


Rather than a genetically-altered human, this alien exhibits incredible feats of mathematics and internal time-keeping throughout the series?

Who is Mr. Spock?