Name of the person who coined Sociology
Auguste Comte
Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members
Sociologist who studied the Yanamomo tribe through lens of ethnocentrism
Napoleon Chagon
The generation that you are part of
Gen Z
The INTANGIBLE culture of beliefs, ideas, social roles, rules, and values that shape our society
non-material culture
Name of the person who coined the sociological imagination
C. Wright Mills
Broad guidelines for social living; culturally defined standards; can sometimes contradict each other or change over time
Skaters, K-Pop fans, and surfers are all examples of:
the biggest factor that plays a role in generational differences is...
Examples of material culture
tools, weapons, clothes, art, buildings...
The continent in which Sociology first appeared as a formal discipline
Being in RJ dress code is an example of a more or a folkway
High culture vs pop culture
High culture: distinguish society's elite, not always accessible
Pop culture: Cultural patterns that are widespread among society's population
Define individualism
a worldview that places more emphasis on the individual self, values freedom, independence, and equality
culture lag
Things that shape your sociological perspective
Social structures, group dynamics, personal experiences, cultural background, ideologies and beliefs ...
Mores vs Folkways
Mores: Widely observed with moral significance
Folkway: Norms for routine and casual interaction
The three ways through which culture can change are:
invention, discovery, diffusion
Groups of people who are born during the same time period who share similar experiences are called
generation, generational units, generational cohorts
What does the "Invitation to Sociology" article tell us about partners finding love?
Typically, a person marries someone of similar social position
Sociological perspective vs sociological imagination
perspective = broad patterns (marriage trends)
imagination = individual behavior (we are shaped by where and when we live)
The cross at the front of the room is a material object that denotes our religious identity. In this example, what is a cross?
The three levels of culture on the culture tree are:
Surface, shallow, deep culture
Explain fast vs slow living
"Slow" lives are characterized by a gradual transition into adult responsibilities, while "fast" lives involve taking on adult roles and responsibilities at a younger age.
Explain the varied interpretations of Napoleon Chagon and Kenneth Good
Napoleon Chagon = ethnocentrism
Kenneth Good = cultural relativism