When was Sofia born
July 6 2000
When did Sofia meet Mason
Aug 4th 2023
Favorite food
Where did Sofia attend College
Northwest Florida State College
Where was Sofia born
Lima Peru
Who was Sofia's first BF
Favorite Musical
Mama Mia
What degree did she get
AA/AS in Theater
When did Sofia move to Florida
July 2016
How long where they dating?
1 year, 1 month before engagement, 1 year, 5 months including engagement
Favorite activity
Dancing drawing spending time with friends
What was the most number of jobs she worked at the same time
Where did Sofia attend High School
Choctawhatchee High School
When did they get engaged?
Sep 9th 2024
Favorite Cocktail
Margaritas and Moscow Mules.
What is Sofia's dream place to live
Greece/New York
Who was Sofia's Childhood best friend
Susan Dhayana Kristyn
Who was the first friend Sofia introduced Mason too?
Favorite Movie
Mama Mia
What was Sofia's first job
Host/Busser at Chapala Mexican Restaurant