True or false
you can only be baptized for your ancestors in the temple.
what is the name of the place where Joseph Smith had his first vision?
the sacred grove
finish the sentence, Book of Commandments is...
original name of the Doctrine & Covenants
what was the final score to the national championship game? OSU vs. Notre Dame?
the final score was 34-23
what was the topic of my talk?
how old do you have to be to receive your endowment?
at least 18 years old
how many witnesses to the truths of the D&C are there?
where is joseph smith's first house located where he begins the Book of Morman translation?
Harmony, Pennsylvania
what is the only mammal that can't jump?
an elephant
where is Charlie going on his mission?
Resistencia Argentina
name all the temples in operation within about 3 hours of Columbus.
Columbus, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, and Detroit
what was the first temple built? (only young women can answer)
the kirtland temple
what was the name of the man who visited Joseph Smith in Harmony PA to bring him food and paper to assist in the continued translation of the Book of Morman?
Joesph Knight, Sr.
what is the only 1 syllable country starting in s?
what game did i reference?
Block Blast
Name 3 of the 11 states in the US that don't have an operating temple.
Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
while printing the first copy of the book of commandment, the printing press was destroyed by anti-mormans, but many of the signatures were saved by whom during this raid?
2 young girls
the 3 witnesses of the book of morman are...
Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer
In which country was Häagen-Dazs ice cream created?
United States
who said this? "we do not honor the priesthood of god if we are not kind to others."
President Thomas S. Monson
how many operating temples are in the world? within 10
193 temples
what object was joseph smith told to obtain when he was 14 and still did not have 4 years later when he received the golden plates?
a box
what did the 3 witnesses of the book of morman see?
the plates of gold, the urim and thummim, the sword of Laban, and the liahona
What is the only letter in the English alphabet that is not featured on the periodic table?
the letter j is not on the periodic table
how old were my parents when they met?
14 years old