What is 8 X 9 = ?
What is 72
Fill in the blank: Van Gogh's Starry Night was a painting a part of the post-__________ movement.
What is "impressionist"
What is MAIZE 😵💫
If this person were an accessory they would be a backpack
Who is Nikkie 👻🎒
True or false: The terms Aztec and Mexica refer to a group of people during the 1300's and are used interchangeably.
What is ___ x 12 = 36 ?
What is 3
German philosopher Walter Benjamin [1892-1940] is credited with developing a term to describe the uniqueness of art and/or objects. This term has recently become popular again as slang to describe someone's vibe, energy, and/or coolness.
What is Aura
What is MOUTH 😛
If this person were a flower they would be a sunflower
Who is Calvin 🌻💩
True or false: The Mexica practiced human sacrifice as well as auto sacrifice
What is 234 x 4 = ?
What is 936
True or false: Iconography is different from Inonology because Iconology analyzes the meanings, cultural significance, and historical context behind symbols while Iconography analyzes the visual description and symbols of an image.
What is SHRIMP 🦐🤩
If this person were a fruit they would be grapefruit
Who is Calvin 🍋
What symbol was used in many Mexica Codexes to mean "travel"?
Riddle: The more you make of me the more you leave me behind.
What is footprint
What is 857 X 57 = ?
What is 48,849
During the forced conversion of the plains people into colonial society in the late 19th c., what symbol was the only one allowed to be decorated onto clothes like vests and moccasins through beadwork?
What is the American Flag
What is INPUT ☝️🤓
If this person were a type of fry they would be crinkle-cut
Who is Joseph 🍟
Which major city now sits on top of the ruins of the Mexica capital Tenochtitlan, the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas.
Mexico City.
What is 1652 x 548 = ?
What is 905,296
Benjamin Day coined a shading technique that involves a particular shape. This is now used in commercial advertisements, a popular book genre, and which art movement?
What is Pop Art
What is BLURB 😶🌫️
If this person were a painting they would Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth, Diego, Me, and Senor Xolotl by Frida Kahlo
Who is Nikkie 😛
Coatlicue is an earth deity that is visually represented as a mother who is both alive and dead. According to Codexes, she was murdered by her daughter and 400 children. What happened to her the moment she died?
Her son Huitzilopochtli emerged from her stomach as a fully grown man in armor and got revenge.