communication skills
leadership skills
problem solving skills
team building skills

If you are in the store and you need help finding something but you are to shy to ask. Is that good communication skills?

What is NO, because you have to talk to communicate?


What is leadership?

What is giving directions and information, inspiring and encouraging, pitching in to help others?


Use your Problem solving skills to solve this.


What is transferable Skills?


you ask your friend to do your part of the project and she says no but she helps you instead. Is that good teamwork skills?

What is yes because she said no to cheating and said yes to helping others?


Active listening, Pitching in and helping others are good ethics skills?

A) Yes 

B) No  

What is A) Yes?


You are in a group and you are sharing first, after your turn you say "no one cares about had you think." is that a good way to communicate?

 What is No, because you are not being an active listener in the group?


True or False : stating problems and goals is a good way to show leadership.  

What is false that is a good problem solving skill?


You and your group cant agree on a project idea. What is the best way to solve this?

What is problems and goals with your group and ask for ideas and opinions?


Someone tells you that you can do better with your work and you get mad. Should you get mad?

What is no?


What is a synonym for ethics?

 What is principles?


which is NOT an communication skill?

         A) giving ideas

         B) staying on topic 

         C) criticizing others  

 What is B) staying on topic. You are TALKING to people about what you should? 


Telling people what job to do and then doing nothing to help the group. Is that good leadership skills?

What is no, because you are giving directions but you are not pitching in to help others in the group?

Do you need all of your soft skills to be a problem solver?

What is no you do not but it is helpful you do not?


What does evaluation ideas mean?

What is making a judgement about an idea or ranking it good, bad, awesome, etc? 


Is being good in class when a teacher is gone good ethics?

 What is Yes?


         true or false: its not rude if you just talk for whole time not letting people speak.

 What is FALSE be a good listener, and invite people to speak?


which is leadership- helping achieve agreement or stating problems and goals.

A) helping achieve agreement 

B) stating problems and goals 

C) Both

D) none of the above 

HINT: One is a trick!!

What is D) None of the above?


Giving ideas is a good way to avoid problems.

A) true 

B) false 

What is A) true?


true or false: Being respectful is a big part of being in a team/group.

What is TRUE?


Being sarcastic OR Doing Good 

Which is good Ethics?

What is Doing Good?


communication is a soft or transferable skill?

       A) soft

       B) transferable

       C) Both 

What is C) Both?


what are 2 OTHER soft skills that you need to be a good leader.

What is communication and problem solving skills?


Are Doctors and nurse good problem solvers?

What is yes?


which is a team building?

A) showing interest

B) Asking for ideas and opinions 

C) Dominating the group 

What is A)?


What is another word for ethics?

 What is Initiative?