Interview Do's and Don'ts
Appropriate Conversation
What would you do?
Professional Attire
When your boss assigns a group project, it is okay to let someone else in the group do all the work
No! This is not fair to the person who does all the work. If your boss assigns a group project, everyone in the group should contribute equally to get the task done.
Jenna is preparing for her upcoming interview and she needs to bring her __________ and __________ to detail her work history and experience.
What is a resume and cover letter
Name one conversation topic that is not appropriate in a professional environment.
There are many conversations that are not appropriate in a professional environment including gossip, negativity, politics, religion, and personal matters.
What would you do if you heard one of your coworkers using inappropriate language with the customers?
You could talk to the coworker and let them know that it is not okay to talk to the customers this way. If this does not work, you could talk to the manager about this situation.
What kind of attire is appropriate for an interview?
Business casual
Name 2 characteristics of a good team
1. Good Communication 2. They can get along with each other 3. Balanced Participation 4. Clear Goals 5. Good Cooperation 6. A positive atmosphere/attitude
When Jenna walks in the door for her interview, how should she greet the interviewer?
A. Jenna should sit down immediately and ask the interviewer if she's ready to start asking questions so that she doesn't waste any time. B. Jenna should introduce herself and shake the interviewers hand C. Jenna should give the interviewer a hug to show how nice and caring she is.
Even if you do not get along with someone else in a professional environment, it is always important to treat them with __________.
What would you do if one of your coworkers does not get along with you and constantly insults you and puts you down?
You could talk to this person and ask to put aside your differences while at work and try to stay out of each other's way. If this does not work, you could talk to the manager and tell them about the situation.
What is one kind of shoe you should not wear in a professional setting?
Flip flop, sandals, or sneakers
Name one way working in a team can be helpful
1. Fosters Creativity and Learning 2. Learn other ways of thinking or completing a task 3. Can make completing a task easier 4. Can make completing a task faster 5. Builds trust 6. Working in a team can help people learn good problem solving skills
During the interview, Jenna's phone starts to ring. It is her best friend Olivia asking her to go shopping. What should she do?
A. Dismiss the call and apologize to the interviewer. B. Answer the call and say its an emergency. C. Let the phone keep ringing and pretend like you cannot hear it D. Ask the interviewer if you may take a 10 minute break to talk to Olivia.
True or False: If you are talking with a coworker who is also a friend outside of work, it is okay to talk to them using foul language if this is how you talk to them outside of work.
False! Never use inappropriate language in a professional setting.
What would you do if you were on your way to work one morning but knew you were going to be late.
You could call into work to let them know that you will not make it on time. However, this should not become a habit.
What type of pants are not acceptable to wear for an interview?
What is jeans, short skirts or basketball shorts.

Name one way working in a team can be difficult

1. Members of the team may not get along 2. Some people may not contribute as much as others 3. One person in the group may want to do all the work 4. The team may not be able to agree with a strategy 5. The members of the group have nothing in common

The interviewer asks Jenna to tell him about herself. Which is the best answer?
1. Hi, my name is Jenna and I am a senior at Temple University studying Therapeutic Recreation. I have job experience working in a daycare and a high school for children with physical disabilities. In my free time I like to volunteer at the local hospital and explore the city. 2. My name is Jenna and I go to school in Philadelphia. I have 3 cats named Moe, Larry, and Curly and I like to watch tv in my spare time. 3. My name is Jenna and I go to school at Temple University. I am a senior studying Therapeutic Recreation and I cannot wait to graduate so I can get a job and start making money.
Is it okay to use humor in a professional workplace?
Yes, as long as it is appropriate and respectful humor. You should never swear or put anyone else down.
What would you do if a customer asked you a question that you do not know the answer to?
You could politely tell the customer that you do not know the answer to their question and ask them to wait patiently while you ask the manager.
Woman should not put a lot of what on their faces?
What is makeup

Why do people say there is no "I" in team?

Because you can't make a team made up of only 1 person!


After the interview, the interviewer asks Jenna if she has any questions for him. What is a good question Jenna can ask the interviewer?

A. How much will I make? B. Do I have to work Holidays? C. When will you let me know I have the job? D. What is a typical day like for a person in my position?


Give one example of an appropriate and respectful compliment you may give to a coworker or supervisor at work.

There are many respectful ways to compliment someone else in the workplace. It is very important that when giving a compliment that you do not cross any boundaries.


What would you do if you and your coworker were told to finish something together but your coworker did not do any of the work?

You could talk to the coworker and let them know that it is unfair to you if they do not contribute. If this does not work, you could talk to the manager about the matter.


true or false: it is okay to chew gum during an interview?

What is false