True or False
Dress for Success
Being a good worker

Communication is a soft skill?

A. True

B. False

A. True

Communication is a soft skill.

Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationships with other people.

The 3 basic types of communication:

1. Verbal Communication

2. Written Communication

3. Nonverbal Communication 


Work starts at 8:00 am and you show up at 7:55 am

A. Showing up late 

B. Missing work 

C. Showing up on time

C. Showing up on time

Being on time may mean showing up a few minutes early to settle in before starting on the job 

5 Helpful tips:

1. Work out how long it takes you to get to work.

2. Give yourself a little extra time.

3. Don't check your emails.

4. Organize everything the night before.

5. Set an earlier alarm.


Typing is a soft skill?

A. True

B. False

B. False

Typing is a hard skill. 

Hard skills are learned abilities acquired and enhanced through practice, repetition, and education.


They are also known as people skills and are very important for success in the workplace as they impact how we perform and interact with our coworkers.

What is a soft skill?


Each day before work, it would be MOST important to 

A. Play video games 

B. Eat breakfast 

C. Shower or clean yourself up 

C. Shower or clean yourself up

Showering in the morning before work can give you a solid block of “me” time. If you have a demanding day ahead, your morning shower may be the only time you have to focus on yourself


When my boss gives me instructions and I begin to work on the task, the skill I used is:

A. Listening 

B. Eye contact 

C. Time Management 

A. Listening 


Problem solving is a soft skill?

A. True

B. False

A. True

Problem solving is a soft skill.

Problem-solving skills help you determine why an issue is happening and how to resolve that issue. It's one of the key skills that employers seek in job applicants. Problem-solving starts with identifying the issue, coming up with solutions, implementing those solutions, and evaluating their effectiveness.


These are skills that are quantifiable and teachable. They can be learned through practice, repetition, and education.

What is a hard skill?


Should I wear jeans with holes in them to a workplace? 

A. Yes

B. No

B. No

For most jobs, jeans with holes are not professional and should not be worn to work.


When my boss is speaking to me, I am aware of what they are saying because I am ___________?

A. Being smart 

B. Paying Attention 

C. Being nice 

B.  What is I am paying attention.


Working hard is a soft skill?

A. True

B. False

A. True

Working hard is a soft skill.

Working hard is a trait that makes you a good worker.


A transferable skill is a combination of  hard and soft skills a person has gained?

A. Yes

B. No

Transferable skills are a combination of hard and soft skills that can transferred from one job to another.


If possible, would it be good to iron my clothes that I wear to work? 

A. Yes

B. No

A. Yes

Wrinkled clothing can make you look unprofessional at work.

 Tip to remove wrinkles from clothing:

Tumble drying clothing is a great way to remove wrinkles. Put the setting on medium, and dry the clothing for about 15 minutes. Hang the clothes up right after removing them from the dryer so that wrinkles don't come back.


If I do not know how to do something, I __________.

A. Ask someone 

B. Try your best 

C. Do not do the task

A.  Ask someone.



Team Leader

Career Advisor

You can always ask a boss to provide you guidance or additional people to ask.


Graduating high school is a hard skill?

A. True

B. False

A.  True 

Graduating high school is a hard skill.

A high school diploma represents the hard work you put into your learning experiences. It’s important not to underestimate the power of your education.


Is a certificate to be a plumber or an electrician:

A. A hard skill

B. A soft skill

Receiving a certificate to be a plumber or electrician is a hard skill. It is also a transferable skill because you can take this skill and apply it to a variety of employment opportunities.


You have ____ chance(s) to make a good impression. 

A. 5

B. 1

C. 3


You have 1 chance. By dressing nicely, it already sets you up for better success at getting the job. 


Always having a smile on your face and treating others will kindness is a form of ___________.

A. Communication

B. Being positive

C. Problem solving

Both A and B are correct: What is communication and being positive 

Helpful tip:

Smiling is a form of nonverbal communication and affects how other people perceive you, generally making you more approachable as well as pleasant to be around.