What is the loose top layer of Earth's surface?
How is this picture physical weathering?
The roots of the tree are breaking apart the rock.
What happened to the marble and the limestone when it was mixed with acid rain (vinegar)?
White crystals formed
the rubbing, grinding, and bumping of rocks that cause physical weathering
the process by which larger rocks crack and break apart over time to form smaller rocks
Name the 5 kinds of rocks found in soil?
pebbles, gravel, sand, clay and silt
What is happening in this picture?
Ice is causing the rock to expand, eventually the rock with break apart.
when the volume of a substance increases or gets bigger
a metamorphic rock formed when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure
earth material
any natural resource that makes up Earth, including soil and water
What causes physical weathering in a landslide?
5 causes of chemical weathering
water, air (oxygen), sulfuric acid (acid rain), carbonation (carbon dioxide and water) and plant acids
a form of precipitation containing acid, which forms when carbon dioxide gas in the air dissolves in water droplets; a form of chemical weathering
acid rain
a sedimentary rock made mostly of calcite
What is humus?
bits of dead plant and animal parts in the soil
5 forces of physical weathering?
temperature, ice, living organisms, gravity and/or abrasion
What is the liquid that is the main cause of chemical weathering?
To become hard or stiffened due to loss of heat is?
a rock composed of smaller pieces like clay, silt, sand, gravel, and pebbles
A mix of humus, sand, silt, clay, gravel, and/or pebbles
physical weathering
Rocks breaking down into smaller pieces without changing what the rock is made of.
Chemical Weathering
The process by which the minerals in a rock can change due to chemicals in water and air. Chemical weathering can cause rocks to break apart.
chemical reaction
A process in which two or more materials mix in a way that forms new materials.
A common rock-forming mineral in Earth’s crust