Physical Weathering
Chemical Weathering

What is earth material?

a. Resources made by humans.

b. Natural resources that make up Earth including soil and weather.

c. Resources that help us live our lives. 

What is b. Natural resources that make up Earth including soil and weather. 


What is physical weathering?

What is a rock to break apart, but don't change in any other way.


Which of the following rocks reacted to the vinegar?

a) basalt and marble

b) basalt, marble, and limestone,

c) basalt, marble, and limestone, and sandstone

d) none of the above

What is c) basalt, marble, and limestone, and sandstone


What does the word retain mean?

What is to hold or continue to hold. 


How is physical and chemical weathering similar?

What is break rocks into smaller pieces.


Which of the following materials should be considered part of soil?

Pebbles, bugs, sand, worms, water, humus, boulders, clay, gravel, and air.

What is pebbles, sand, water, humus, boulders, clay, gravel, and air.


Fill in the blank.

____________ is when rocks scrape against one another.

What is abrasion.


***Double Jeopardy***

Two part question:

a) Which two (2) rocks had the biggest reaction in our experiment?

b) What was the reaction?

marble - green hue

limestone - color became darker with lots of green spots or turned green (based on how long the rock sat in the vinegar).


Write the definition of humus.

What is the remains of things that were once living (decaying animals and decaying plants).


How are physical and chemical weathering different?

a) physical weathering is faster than chemical weathering

b) chemical weathering produces new material, physical weathering doesn't

c) physical weathering produces new material, chemical weathering doesn't

What is b) chemical weathering produces new material, physical weathering doesn't


Explain how you know what vial the teacher is holding up.

**Hint what does it contain?


If your group mentioned at least 3 of the following are correct!

gravel, pebbles, sand, clay, humus. 


When a rock cracks, then filled with water (rain) and freezes, it can break apart. This happens because water ______ when it freezes.

a. evaporates              b. freezes

c. expands                  d. melts

What is c. expands.


The white material in the evaporation dish comes from the rock and the _______. A chemical reaction is between the rock and the __________.

a. sand; vinegar

b. vinegar, vinegar

c. vinegar; dish

What is b. vinegar, vinegar


_____________ weathering happens when minerals in rocks are changed by chemicals in water and air. Example: Acid rain. The starting minerals change into new substances.

What is chemical.

chemical weathering :-) 


List two (2) examples of chemical weathering.

What is chemical weathering of a rock containing iron; chemical weathering of marble by acid; chemical weathering of sandstone by salt water.


What is soil made of?

***Double Jeopardy ***

Name at least 3 materials that make up soil.

What is earth materials. 

***Double Jeopardy ***

What is pebbles, gravel, sand, silt, clay, and humus.


Which type of weathering most likely caused the rock shapes you see in the picture the teacher is holding/projecting?

a. tree roots                 b. acid

c. blowing wind             d. freezing and thawing

What is c. blowing wind.


Acid rain helps form interesting rock shapes in limestone caves by ______.

a) the acid rain melts the rocks.

b) acid rain doesn't help form interesting rock shapes.

c) the water soaked into the caves has acid in it, which dissolves the limestone over many years.

What is c) the water soaked into the caves has acid in it, which dissolves the limestone over many years. 


What is the definition of a rock?

What is a solid earth material made of two or more materials. 


Explain what happened when you tumbled the conglomerate rock in the experiment.

What is many pieces; pieces are bigger than granite; lots of dust/powder; dust is particles of the rock.


List the soils below from smallest to largest.

gravel        sand          silt           clay       pebbles

What is; clay, silt, sand, gravel, pebbles


Which of the following is NOT examples of physical weathering?

a) freezing/thawing; rocks falling from a cliff; acid rain

a) freezing/thawing; rocks falling from a cliff; sand abrasion

c) freezing/thawing; rocks falling from a cliff; tree roots grow and breaking rocks

What is a) freezing/thawing; rocks falling from a cliff; acid rain


Explain how air can play a part in chemical weathering.

What is oxygen reacting with earth materials such as iron which causes materials to break down. 


Two Part question:

Part A:

A representation of the features and actions of a natural system or process is a ___

a)motion model

b) model

c) chemical reaction

Part B: Give an example of a ____ (answer to part a)

What is a model. An example is the rocks and vinegar experiment which show a chemical reaction.


List the five (5) steps of the scientific method

What is..

Step 1 - Ask a question

Step 2 - Make a hypothesis

Step 3 - Plan and conduct an experiment

Step 4 - record your results

Step 5 - Draw a conclusion