Judicial System Organization
Judicial Review
Civil & Criminal Cases
Due Process
Hodge Podge

How a person becomes a Supreme Court Justice.

What is appointed by President, approved by the Senate?


Complete this chart.

What is Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch?


In a criminal trial, the person who attempts to prove the guilt of the accused

What is the prosecutor?


This example most likely represents an example of someone being denied an 8th Amendment right


  • A judge sentences a criminal convicted of homicide to death.

  • A judge orders a person accused of a serious crime to be held without bail.

  • A judge sets bail at one million dollars for a painter accused of charging a customer too much for a job.

  • A judge orders a convicted criminal to complete 240 hours of community service instead of spending 10 days in jail.

What is a judge sets bail at one million dollars for a painter accused of charging a customer too much for a job?


The branch of government that has the power to declare Virginia laws unconstitutional

What is state judicial branch?


The court that has final appellate jurisdiction for a case involving the 14th Amendment rights of a citizen.

What is U.S. Supreme Court?


How the Supreme Court exercises the power of judicial review.

What is declaring a law unconstitutional?


In a criminal case, the jury determines

What is whether someone is guilty of breaking the law?


Choose the best example of somebody exercising his/her 5th Amendment rights

  • a reporter publishing a news article critical of the government

  • a person being appointed the president of the National Rifle Association

  • a person accused of murder declining to take the stand in his defense

  • a family refusing to house military personnel in their home during peacetime

What is a person accused of murder declining to take the stand in his defense?


Use the excerpts to answer the question below:

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, the Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority....

--US Constitution, Article III, Section 2

This Constitution, and the Laws of the US....shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding...

--US Constitution, Article VI

What is the basis for its power of judicial review?


The floor a teenager with a misdemeanor charge would go to 

What is the 1st floor?


The ultimate result of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison.

What is judicial review?


The action most likely to occur on this day

What is entering a plea?


The 4th Amendment protects individuals from unlawful searches and seizures.  This means

What is an individual can be searched only when there is probable cause?


Match the branch of government with the checks and balance actions it can take.

--Override a veto on a law.

--Determine the constitutionality of executive orders.

--Approve judicial appointments.

--Appoint judges.

--Veto laws.

--Determine constitutionality of laws.

What is legislative, judicial, legislative, executive, executive, judicial?


This chart explains the structure of the Judicial Branch of the United States Federal Government. The word that best completes this chart is

What is the Supreme Court?


The importance of the U.S. Supreme Court to make decisions on laws is

What is to establish that laws are unconstitutional?


Case in which an individual, business, or organization sues another in a dispute.

What is a civil case?


This event least likely happens in a nation where the principle of due process is observed?

What is laws are applied differently to different people?


Read the passage and answer the question

The Maryland District Court hears approximately two million cases each year. These include cases involving: landlord-tenant disputes; claims seeking the recovery of good or property; motor vehicle violations, from parking tickets to driving under the influence; civil lawsuits for up to $30,000; criminal misdemeanors and certain felonies; and bail and preliminary hearings for any crime charged in its jurisdiction.

Which one of the following cases would be handled by this court?


  • a Maryland resident charged with counterfeiting money

  • a Maryland resident challenging a parking ticket issued in Virginia

  • a Pennsylvania resident arrested in Maryland for shoplifting

  • a Pennsylvania resident applying for a Maryland driving license


What is a Pennsylvania resident arrested in Maryland for shoplifting?


The judicial branch of government holds the power to

What is declare laws unconstitutional?


The Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Marbury v. Madison supports the constitutional principle of

What is checks and balances?


A case in which the government accuses an individual of breaking a criminal law.

What is criminal case?


The amendment that led to this decision

What is the 5th Amendment?

The authority of a court to hear a particular type of case, or the geographic area in which a court has the authority to hear cases.

What is jurisdiction?