Animal Adaptations
Name that Adaptation
Life Cycles
Animal Facts
Plant Facts
This means to continue to live.
What is survive?
Some animals like bears and snakes enter into a deep winter sleep. Their body activities slow down, and they live off the stored food in their bodies.
What is hibernation?
Stages in the life of a plant or animal
What is a life cycle?
The 4 basic needs of living things
What are: air, water, food, and space?
The parts of the plant that gather light from the sun
What are leaves?
A structural (physical) or behavioral trait that helps an animal to survive in its environment
What is an adaptation?
A green lizard blends in with the plants around it. The stripes of a zebra make it hard for other animals to see it in the bush. This adaptation helps these animals protect themselves from enemies.
What is camouflage?
These are 2 animals that go through distinct stages as they become adults; the young do not look like the parents.
What are: frogs and butterflies?
Hair, fur, feathers, scales, shells
What are: (examples of) body coverings?
The main part of the plant that supports the leaves and flowers by holding it above the ground
What is the stem?
These are 2 main types of structural (physical) adaptations.
What are: camouflage and mimicry?
In winter animals like geese, butterflies, and whales may travel to warmer places to find food or have babies.
What is migration?
These are 3 animals that look like their young as adults.
What are: deer, whales, snakes, tigers, etc.? (Choose three.)
4 methods of animal movement
What are: walking, crawling, flying, swimming, dancing, hopping, etc.? (Choose four.)
The flower of a plant or tree
What is a blossom?
These are the 4 main types of behavioral adaptations.
What are: hibernation, migration, instinct, and learned behaviors?
Some animals are born with certain behaviors, such as a spider knowing how to spin a web.
What is instinct?
Seed - sprout - seedling - ?
What is the life cycle of a plant?
1. Being taken from nature by people and made gentle; 2. A living thing that is free or in its natural habitat (not controlled by people)
What are: 1. tame; 2. wild?
1. Safe to eat; 2. Not safe to eat
What are: 1. edible; 2. nonedible?
This is a list of 3 things animals must do in order to survive.
What are: gather and store food, find shelter, defend themselves, raise (rear) their young? (Choose three.)
Some animals can look like or act like another animal in order to defend themselves by tricking their predators; the viceroy butterfly looks and acts like a monarch butterfly to avoid being eaten by birds.
What is mimicry?
Egg - larva - pupa (chrysalis) - ?
What is the life cycle of a butterfly?
Parts of an animal that are attached to the main body and perform a job; arms, legs, wings, fins, tails
What are appendages?
Trees (or plants) that lose their leaves at the end of the growing season
What is deciduous?