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The square root of 400.

What is a 20?


2x + 5 = 17

What is x=6 ?


Sandy has a scale drawing of a classroom where 2 inches represents 10 feet. If the classroom’s length is 20 feet, this is the length of the classroom on the scale drawing.

What is 4 inches ?


The theoretical probability that you will roll an even number or a 3 on a standard 6-sided number cube?

What is 2/3 or 66.67%?


This is the volume to the nearest tenth of a cm of a cylinder that has a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 13.5 cm.    

What is 1,059.8 cm^3?


The high temperature in San Juan is 123° and the low Temperature is -13°. This is the difference in the high and low temperature.

What is 136 degrees?


2x+ 11 < 35

What is x<12 ?


Sue got a haircut for $20 and wants to leave a 15% tip. This is how much will her total bill will be.

What is $23 ?


Jamie had a bag of 30 marbles. Fifteen were blue, 10 were red and the rest were yellow. This is the theoretical probability that she will pull out a yellow marble.

What is 1/6 ?


The Rectangular Prism with the largest surface area.

Prism A: l = 1.5, w = 3.4, h = 6

Prism B: l = 3.5, w = 2.1, h = 4.4

What is Prism A?


0.0000012 written is Scientific Notation.

What is 1.2 x 10^-6?


1/2x + 3 = 15

What is x=24 ?


Tim can run 2.5 miles in 15 minutes.  This is the number of miles he can run in 24 minutes.

What is 4 miles ?


Jamie had a bag of 30 marbles. Fifteen were blue, 10 were red and the rest were yellow. Jamie drew a marble out of the bag 50 times, recorded the color and put it back in the bag. Her records show she drew a red marble 20 times. This is her experimental probability of getting a red marble.

What is 2/5 ?


The new ordered pair for A(-1, 0) after a translation 8 right and 3 up.

What is A' (7, 3) ?


5% < _____ < 1/2 

A) 0.6   B) 0.01   C) 0.75   D) 0.25

What is D?


-12x + 2 > 26

What is x<-2 ?


If 24 inches equals 2 feet, then this many inches would be in 112 feet.

What is 1,344 inches?


Rhonda spun a spinner that had 4 equal sections - 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, and 1 green.  She spun the spinner 100 times and landed on green 30 times.  Rhonda will spin the spinner 1,000 more times.  This is what is expected to happen to her probability of landing on green.

What is decrease to 25% ?


The false statements.

A) A square is a rectangle.

B) A rhombus is a square.

C) A trapezoid is a parallelogram.

What are B and C?


The numbers ordered from least to greatest.

A) 50%, 3/4, 0.25   B) 0.25, 3/4, 50% 

C)  0.25, 50%, 3/4   D) 3/4, 50%, 0.25

What is C?


-1/3x - 4 < 7

What is x > -33 ?


Best Buy is having a 25% off sale.  This is the amount Mr. Jamison paid for a TV that originally cost $750.00.

What is $562.50?


This is what the Law of Large Numbers states.

What is the more you do the experiment, the closer to theoretical probability you get?


The rule if C(-4, -2) was moved and became C ́(3, 2). 

What is (x, y) → (x + 7, y + 4)?