Main Idea
Figurative Language
Authors Purpose

The ice cream cone was invented in 1904. It all started at the Saint Louis World's Fair when an ice cream vendor ran out of dishes for his ice cream. A man named Ernest Hamwi was selling waffles in the booth next door. He helped his neighbor out by making cone-shaped waffles to hold the ice cream. The rest they say is history.

What is the main idea of the passage?

The ice cream cone was invented in 1904.


What does it mean to make an inference?

to draw a conclusion about something or a story using evidence.


What is a theme?

A lesson or moral that goes along with a story.


What are the 7 types of figurative language?

Simile, metaphor, alliteration, hyperbole, idioms, personification, imagery.

What is author's purpose?

The reason or intent for writing.


True or False:

The main idea is a summary of the passage or text you are reading.



My teacher walked into class with her glasses on. It was unusual that she wore her glasses. Her eyes were pu?y and she talked quietly to the class. On her desk, she had a bag of cough drops and some tea with a bottle of honey next to it. 

What was wrong with the teacher?

She was sick.


Kara chose a difficult piece to play for her recital. Her teacher advised her to select an easier one, but she knew she could do it. Kara practiced every day after school. If her friends called to see if she wanted to play, Kara said she couldn't and would continue practicing. The night of her big recital, Kara's hands danced across the keys of her piano because she knew the piece so well.

What is the theme of this passage?

Persistence pays off!


"I am as hungry as a bear."

What type of figurative language is used?



What are the 3 types of author's purpose?

To inform, persuade, entertain


True or False

A main idea can include proper names of people, places and things.



Lulu’s sister was dramatic. She cried over everything, but doing art was the thing that made her happiest. One day, she walked into her sister’s room to find her crying. There were bright red, blue, yellow, and green puddles of liquid all over the floor. 

What caused Lulu’s sister to cry?

She spilled her art supplies.


Kevin wasn't worried about his book report. He had three whole weeks to work on it. There was no reason to get started on it right away, especially when he had just gotten a new video game! The next day Kevin thought about going to the library to get a book for his report, but decided to play with is friends instead. Two weeks went by and Kevin still did not have a book. By the time he got to the library he did not have enough time to pick out a book, read it and write his report. Kevin tries to write the report without reading the book and fails his assignment. 

What is the theme of this passage?

Do not put things off until the last minute.


"The tropical storm slept for two days."

What type of figurative language is used?



What is the authors purpose?

You read a political speech by a well-known politician who speaks about the need for everyone to do their part to conserve water.



Strong magnets are put into some roller coasters. They are also put into the ends of tracks. As the rollercoaster approaches the end of the track, the attracting forces of the magnet will bring it to a gentle stop. 

What is the main idea?

Some rollercoasters use magnets to make them stop.


True or False

Inferences can ONLY be made from stories we read, like novels, picture books, and short stories.



True or False

The theme of a story can only be applied to a person or one situation.



"I had so much homework that I needed a dump truck to carry all of my books home."



You read a science fiction story about a giant sea monster that taken over the Mississippi River and eats nothing but pizza.

What is the authors purpose?



It was a library. High pieces of furniture, of black violet ebony inlaid with brass, supported upon their wide shelves a great number of books uniformly bound. They followed the shape of the room, terminating at the lower part in huge divans, covered with brown leather, which were curved, to afford the greatest comfort. Light movable desks, made to slide in and out at will, allowed one to rest one’s book while reading. In the center stood an immense table, covered with pamphlets, amongst which were some newspapers, already of old date. The electric light flooded everything; it was shed from four unpolished globes half sunk in the volutes of the ceiling. I looked with real admiration at this room, so ingeniously fitted up, and I could scarcely believe my eyes.

What is the main Idea?

The library is comfortable and well equipped.


The Zentini family walked with backpacks on as they pulled large bags behind them. They walked around crowds of people as they found a line to stand in. There were screens on the walls that gave the names of cities and times. They gave their tickets to a nice lady to check them. 

Where was the Zentini family?

On a family trip


Yes or No

Is the following a theme?

"Alex loves his turtle because it makes him happy."

No, because it is very specific, it includes a person's name and it does not apply to multiple situations.


"He is the mountain."

What type of figurative language is used?



You read a nonfiction text that focuses on the importance of finding the positive in situations instead of the negative to improve mental health issues. 

What is the authors purpose?
