A short, funny poem that has five lines.
What is a limerick?
"After hours of looking, we found the family photo book!"
What is the solution?
The back bone/structure of the story.
What is plot?
Words that sound like sounds.
What is onomatopoeia?
A poem where the letters in a word are placed vertically and spelled out in a word or a phrase.
What is an acrostic poem?
"My parents are gonna be so mad since I got a 46 on my English test!"
What is the problem?
1st person and 3rd person. Sometimes includes 2nd person.
What is point of view?
Language inputs an image into some ones head.
What is imagery?
Has the syllable pattern of 5,7,5.
What is a haiku?
"Me and my best friend made up after a big fight."
What is the solution?
How the author tells the story.
What is the style?
Giving nonliving things human characteristics.
What is personification?
A poem that has a syllable pattern of 7,7,5,5,7.
What is a limerick?
"My mom left the door open when we were taking the food inside and our dog ran out of the house!"
What is the problem?
The lesson or moral of the story.
What is theme?
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a would chuck could chuck wood?
What is alliteration?
A poem that is usually associated with nature.
What is a Haiku?
The highest/most exciting point of the story.
What is the climax?
You're as bright as the sun.
What is a simile?