Before the Test
During the Test
After the Test
What the teachers can do
Test Tools

What should I do the night before the test to help me be my best?

Get a good night of sleep! Go to bed early!


If I need to use the bathroom during the test, what should I do?

Raise my hand and ask. An adult MUST walk with you

True or False: I can color with markers and crayons when I finish testing



If I fall asleep, can my teacher wake me up?

No :( we will just ask if you are finished with your test

After I answer the question, what button do I click to go to the next question?

The blue next arrow in the top corner


What is something good you can eat for breakfast the morning of the test?

eggs, fruit, cereal, toast, bacon, etc. 

Anything that will keep you full!


If I am feeling bored, distracted, or tired during the test, what can I do?

Ask for a break


True or False: I can move to the couch or behind the sink when I finish testing



True or False: My teacher can help me type in my username and password for the test

False- teachers cannot touch your computer


If I know that one answer choice is definitely wrong, what tool can I use so I do not pick that choice?

The answer eliminator


When I get to school on Thursday, what should I do in the morning BEFORE time for the test?

Go to the bathroom, get water, pick out books, place lunch order


Where is the only space I should be during the test unless I have asked a teacher for a break?

At your seat


True or false: I can draw with a pencil and paper from the teacher after testing



True or False: My teacher can tell me that I am doing a good job while I am testing

False :( I can only say what is in my book. ¨Read the screen carefully and choose the best answer¨


Before I move to the questions, what should I do when a new passage comes on my screen?

Read the passage! Scroll down to make sure you read all of it


True or False: I can ask my teacher questions before we start testing



What are good times during the test to take a break? 

When you finish a section, story, or question. If you are feeling tired or frustrated


If I need more paper to draw on after testing, what can I do?

Raise my hand and ask a teacher

If you having trouble using the computer tools, can your teacher show you how to use it?

No! We cannot touch your computer on the day of the test


If a question tells me to look at paragraph 5 or look under the heading, where should I go to help me choose the best answer?

The paragraph or heading it tells you to!


What do I need to do with my computer at the end of the day on Wednesday so it is ready for Thursday?

Plug it into the cart to charge!


Who can I talk to during the test?

No one! Only the adults if you are asking a question. If you go to the bathroom or take a break, you cannot talk to them about anything else


What are the only things you can do when you finish?

Read a book, draw, or put your head down


Once my teacher starts reading the testing manual, what am I expected to do?

Listen and follow directions. Raise my hand if I need anything

If a question is not multiple choice and I do not understand how to answer it, what can I do help me figure out what to do?

Check the directions in the blue bar at the top!