The Hebrews
Economic Patterns
Social & Political Patterns
Belief in one god is called
What is monotheism?
What group was the first to believe in One God?
Who are the Jews or Hebrews?
Earliest written symbols
What are pictograms?
Tools can make things, which can be traded for money - definitely an economic activity. Using weapons to take things or conquer people is also an economic activity. Metal tools and weapons were made out of these two metals during the development of river valley civilizations.
What is bronze and iron
A political pattern on keeping order in cities was to write down ______________, such as Hammurabi did or the Hebrews did with the Ten Commandments.
What is law?
Rules of moral and religious conduct for Hebrews
What are the 10 Commandments?
Parted the Red Sea, Received the Ten Commandments, led people in exile out of slavery in Egypt
Who is Moses?
Writing style that used a stylus to make marks on wet clay. Used in Sumer, a city in Mesopotamia.
What is cuneiform?
Trade along rivers and seas by this group of sailors is an economic pattern
Who are the Phoenicians?
City-states, empires, and kingdoms are all forms of government. What kind of patter is this- Social or political?
What is political?
Holy book for the Hebrews/Jews
What is the Torah?
The holiest city for Hebrews
Writing of Egyptians, usually on a paper made of papyrus reeds
What is hieroglyphics?
Better tools, plows and irrigation for crops is going to increase what ....
What is agricultural surplus? The more extra food your city has, the better off it is economically!
Having a central government and claiming the Gods gave you the right to be a ruler is called ____________ authority and is a ___________ pattern.
What is religious authority and a political pattern.
Two ways Judaism spread?
What are exile and diaspora?
The monothesim of _________ became the foundation of three religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) that believe in monotheism.
Who is Abraham?
Invented by the Phoenicians
The alphabet
Slavery in the ancient world was based on? It was NOT based on what characteristic?
What is conquest or debt? It was not based on race. Why is slavery an economic factor? Because if you have people working for free, then certain people get richer.
In addition to being economic, slavery was a social pattern. This is because slavery was __________ in the ancient world and people were part of a rigid _________ _______.
What is accepted as part of a rigid class system?
Who is called the father of Judaism
Who is Abraham?
Like the Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments were a ______________ ____ ______.
What is a written law code
Developing language and writing were important __________ ____________________.
What are cultural innovations?
Developing the first ________ where a bunch of people live closely together and produce/trade is an economic pattern.
What are cities?
Give two examples of the SOCIAL pattern of hereditary rulers. (Why are hereditary rulers SOCIAL and not political? -- Because it a social tradition to pass down leadership in a FAMILY. Dynasties are a succession of ruling families. They are not necessarily the best person for the job - they were just born lucky into the top family of the social system).
What are DYNASTIES of kings and pharaoahs?