Keys to Prompt Writing
Test Day Reminders
Sample MC Questions
The dog chases the cat but he ignores the rabbit.
The dog chases the cat, but he ignores the rabbit.
Name the parts to a successful essay.
Inroduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, thesis statement.

What day is your SOL?

Monday the 17th and Tuesday the 18th 

In English class, Sarah has been asked to write a description of someone special to her. She wants to write about her older brother. Which of these would best help Sarah write her description of her older brother? A. Calling his friends and telling them about him B. Thinking about all the things she likes about him C. Making a list of things she wants him to do for her D. Asking him to take her to the library
B. Thinking about all the things she likes about him

To convince or argue 


Make sure you bring the following items toothpaste shampoo socks and a Snickers bar.
Make sure you bring the following items: toothpaste, shampoo, socks, and a Snickers bar.

You should edit your paper and look for what? 

Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and clearly indicated paragraphs.

True or False: When you get your test ticket sign in to the computer.
FALSE! Wait for the proctor to tell you to sign in.
(1) A special person in my life is my big brother. (2) His name is Ben. (3) He has always been there to help me out and has been there for me when I needed him. How are sentences 1 and 2 best combined? F. A special person in my life is Ben, my big brother. G. A special persion in my life is Ben, he is my big brother. H. In my life a special person is my big brother, his name is Ben. J. My big brother Ben, he is a special person in my life.
F. A special person in my life is Ben, my big brother.

The first sentence to an essay that should engage the reader 


However I did not find the keys and I wish I had.
However, I did not find the keys; and I wish I had.

How many sentences does each paragraph need?

At least 5 


A ringing phone during the test will do what?

A ringing phone will cancel everyone's test and the entire class will have to re-test at a later date.

Carol's English teacher asks each student in the class to write a short narrative on a school-related topic. When writing her story, Carol will most likely be concerned with all of these except... F. making sure her story has an organizational pattern G. listing the names of all the students she interviewed H. using descriptive details to make the story clear J. providing meaningful elaboration
G. listing the names of all the students she interviewed

To look over and make changes to your essay 


She said I don't approve of your decision.
She said, "I don't approve of your decision."
What should you do before you begin writing?
Create an outline or organize your ideas.
True or False: You will be able to access personal belongings during the test.
False! Leave all belongings in your locker or they will be left by the door of the exam room.
If you qualify: they can help make your dream of foreign travel a reality! How is "if you qualify:" correctly written? F. If you qualify G. If you qualify, H. If you qualify; J. As it is
G. If you qualify,

Ask a question 

Rephrase the prompt 

Use a quote 

Examples of a hook 

I was afraid to go for I knew what could happen.
I was afraid to go, for I knew what could happen.

What should the introduction of your essay do?

Capture the reader's attention and include your thesis statement. 


Where should your cell phones be?

In the test bucket 

If you don't already have plans for your summer, this program is one of the best ways to learn about other cultures. How is "your summer, this program" correctly written? A. your summer and this program B. your summer this program C. your summer? This program D. As it is
D. As it is

The writer's stance on a topic that includes 3 reasons to support that stance 
