Solar Power is...
the natural energy of the sun to produce electricity
The technology that produces electricity from sunlight (solar radiation) using semiconductors
Solar Photovoltaic (Solar PV) technology
Solar energy is divided into these two categories
Direct (photovoltaic) and indirect (concentrated solar energy)
Solar power is measured in this unit
The practice of using less energy
Energy Conservation
Is replenished by natural processes at a rate comparable to its rate of consumption by humans or other users
Renewable Energy
The collision between these two elements produces electricity in a Photovoltaic system
Protons and electrons
Solar Power produces this much pollution when generating electricity
No pollution ;)
Solar thermal energy is measured in this unit
British thermal unit (Btu). The amount of energy it takes to heat a pound of water from 39°F to 40°F.
This smell is added to natural gas by companies to ensure you can detect natural gas leaks
Rotten egg (sulfur)
These type of power plants that produce the largest amount of carbon emissions
Coal Plants
Photovoltaic Cells are typically made of this semiconductor
This state produces the most solar energy in the United States
This amount of sunlight equals one year’s worth of energy for the entire earth
One hour
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) bulbs consume up to this percentage less energy than standard bulbs
Up to 80% less
This energy source currently generates the most electricity for the US
Natural gas
The first modern commercial photovoltaic cells were created this year by Bell Laboratories
Solar Panels in the United States need to face this direction for optimal solar capturing
This much energy hits the surface of the Earth at any given moment
1 kilowatts (1000 Watts)
11% of all green house emissions caused by humans are due to this act
The only country in the world where renewable sources generates 100% of its electricity and heat
The modern photovoltaic effect was discovered in this year
1839, reportedly by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel
The largest solar power plant in the world is located here
The Mojave desert (covers 1000 acres)
To cover the entire earth with solar power we would need to cover this many square miles
191,000 miles2
416 parts per million of carbon dioxide (CO2)
The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution in our atmosphere, as of May 2020, is the highest it has been in human history