Objection Responses
Why Choose Simple Solar?

This percentage is the federal tax credit that solar purchasers are entitled to through 2022

What is 26%


This is what will happen to your monthly electricity costs once solar panels are installed on your roof

What is reduced electric costs?


Solar costs too much

What is there are no upfront costs for going solar?


This up front process is done by Simple Solar to ensure a custom solar panel system can be created specifically for our customers needs

What is collecting 12 months of electric statements?


This percentage is the amount electric companies raise their rates per year on average

What is 4%


This life sustaining commodity is being saved when electricity is generated by solar power

What is water?


I may be moving in the near future

What is solar contracts are transferable between previous and new owners of a property


This is the number of years Simple Solar has on the warranty of all of our products

What is 25 years?


This percentage is the amount Edison is raising their residential electric rates for 2021

What is 14%


Solar panels only need to be washed of debris 1-2 times per year making them a this level of maintenance required

What is low maintenance?


I am concerned something will break or not work properly

What is the solar system is covered by 25 years of warranty?


Simple Solar does not want customers to make these type of purchases, ones in which customers make in haste or on a whim

What are impulse purchases?


This is the percentage of degradation solar panels have per year on average

What is .5%?


This "footprint" is reduced by the creation and usage of solar powered energy

What is our carbon footprint?


My roof is old, needs to be replaced and cannot support the weight of the panels

What is roofing can be done together with solar and the 26% tax credit applied to both?


Simple Solar and our partners work with our customers to get them "PTO" with the electric companies, which stands for this

What is Permission To Operate?


This percentage is the amount of electricity an electric car generates when compared to the average house's generation

What is 50%


Solar energy production relies on this type of energy, meaning it can be reused without damaging the source

What is renewable energy?


My electric bill is under 100$

What is solar is not for everyone? Some people do not have high enough energy usage to justify a solar panel system, and that is okay!


Simple Solar provides this as a means for customers to track and monitor their solar panel production

What is an app called Enphase?