Overview of Book
Characters 1
Character 2
Lit Contexts

Who died on the trip up north?

Who is Agnes Iron?


Who disfigures Angel as a child?

Who is Hannah Wing?


What kind of animal does Agnes bond with as a child?

What is a bear?


Why is the northern lands special to Angel?

What is that is where her ancestors grew up?


What are the two animal spirits that are in the book? (Not just animals, but more important)

What are wolverine and beaver?


Where does the book take place?

What is on the border of Minnesota and Canada?


Who is Dora-Rouge's late husband?

Who is Luther?


What is Loretta Wing's scent?

What is cyanide? (almond)


What do Hannah Wing's scars symbolize?

What is a lot of things? 

1.The physical and emotional toll of governmental and corporate control of water as the dam construction has a damaging impact on local ecosystems

2. A reflection of the scarred land that is being violently drained of its water for use by urban populations far away

3. Probably something else that I forgot


According to Yi-Fu Tuan what is the difference between place and space?

What is, a place is an area that becomes meaningful spiritually, and a space is an area that is depersonalized or exploitable?


How does Adam's Rib find out about the dam?

What is two men come in a canoe to warn them?


How does Bush help the protest against the dam construction?

What is by taking photos and writing news articles?


Who are Hannah Wing's parents? (150 points each)

Who are Lorreta Wing and Harold Iron?


How are the environment and people's spirit related?

What is they mirror each other? (When the land is disrupted and broken, the people that live there become broken and dysfunctional)


What is Ecofeminism?

What is, looks at the ways in which women and the environment are linked and valued or devalued in society in pursuit of more traditionally defined masculine values?


What kind of story is this book? (Official name for full points, half points for common name)

What is a bildungsroman? (Coming of age story)


What is LaRue Marks Time's nickname?

What is "Done Time"?


How are Tulik and Dora-Rouge related? And to who?

What is Tulik is cousins with Dora-Rouge's mother Ek?

What do the media call the native protesters?

What is "occupiers"?


Who came up with the idea of Ecofeminism?

Who is François d’Eaubonne?


How do Angel and Bush get back to Adam's Rib?

What is, When the police used tear gas it made Aurora, the baby sick, which forced Bush, and Angel, with the help of Mr. Orensen and Charles fly to a hospital for treatment. After the first hospital didn't accept them, they went farther to Chinobe. Once they were there, they decided to go back to Adam's Rib?


What is Ms. Nett's nickname for Angel? (100 bonus points for the reason behind it)

What is Maniki? This is because Angel is a "true person"


What is the true name of Tulik's grandson?

What is Calvin?


What reflection do the nomadic hunters provide?

What is “There are stories for everything…but not for this. We needed a story for what was happening to us now, as if a story would guide us.”?


Who were the two activist part of the 90s environmental justice movement that led to more diversity for women and people of color?

Who are Greta Gaard and Cheryll Glotfelty?