Where is the asteroid belt?
The asteroid belt is in between jupiter and mars and orbits around the sun
What is the order of the planets from the closest to the sun?
Mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune.
When was Pluto dawn grated into a dwarf planet?
Pluto was dawn gated to a dwarf planet in
What is Saturn's zodiac sing
It is capercorn
What is an emitter? Also give an example
An emitter is a object that producer light or other forms of energy, like a star
What is a celestial body?
A object that is out side of the atmosphere
Who was Pluto named by?
Pluto was named by an 11 year old girl
What is Mercury zodiac sign?
It is Virgo
What are some celestial bodies?
Some celestial body are moons, stars, planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets and meteoroids.
What is the method used to remember the order of the planets from the closest to the sun?(In our slide show)
My very easy method just speeds up nothing.
How old is the girl that named Pluto?
That's a trick question she died April 30th 2009
What is Mars's zodiac sign?
It is Aries
What is Saturn's ring made up of and how many of those things are in its ring?
Saturn ring is made up of 146 asteroids in total
What are the sun and moons zodiacs signs?
Its Leo and cancer
When was Pluto named?
Pluto was named in 1930
What is Jupiter zodiac sign?
It is Sagittarius
Is the ISS an emitter or reflector?
The ISS is an emitter and reflector cause it produces light for the humans in side and the outside is covered with reflective stuff
What is Uranus's rings made up of?
The left overs of destroyed moons
What planet is this?
This planet is Mercury
What is Venuses zodiac sign? (remember to name both)
Venuses is Taurus and libra