This planet is known as the "Red Planet".
If Earth's diameter is 1, what is Jupiter's diameter? (Hint: It's 11.2 times bigger)
11.2 times Earth's diameter
True or False: The Sun is a planet.
False: The Sun is a star.
How many days are in Earth's year?
365.25 days
This is the force that keeps planets in orbit around the Sun.
This is the largest planet in our solar system.
How many Earth days are in one Mars year? (Hint: Mars takes 1.88 Earth years to orbit the Sun)
About 687 Earth days
What is the closest planet to the Sun?
Which planet has the shortest year: Mercury, Venus, or Mars?
Mercury (88 Earth days)
This term describes the path a planet takes around the Sun.
This planet is famous for its beautiful rings.
If the Sun's mass is 1.989 × 10³⁰ kg, what is 5 times this mass?
9.945 × 10³⁰ kg
About how many Earths could fit inside the Sun?
About 1,300,000 Earths
How many Earth years does it take Neptune to orbit the Sun?
About 165 Earth years
This is a large group of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
This planet is the closest to the Sun.
If 1 cm represents 10 million km in a model, how many cm would represent the distance from the Sun to Jupiter (778 million km)?
77.8 cm
The Sun's surface temperature is about 10,000°F. What is this in Celsius? (Hint: Use C = (F - 32) × 5/9)
About 5,538°C
If Pluto's orbital period is 248 Earth years, how many Pluto years have passed since the year 1000 AD?
About 4 Pluto years
This is the imaginary line that passes through Earth's center and the North and South Poles.
This planet is named after the Roman god of the sea.
If Earth's orbital period is 365.25 days, how many Earth days would 2.5 Martian years be? (Hint: Mars' year is 1.88 Earth years)
About 1,715 Earth days
If light takes 8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun, how far away is the Sun in kilometers? (Hint: Light travels at 300,000 km per second)
About 150,000,000 km
How many times does Mercury orbit the Sun in the time it takes Earth to orbit once? (Hint: Mercury's year is 88 Earth days)
About 4.15 times
This term describes the slight wobble in Earth's axis that takes about 26,000 years to complete one cycle.