Which planet is closest to the sun?
This layer of the sun is thick and visible to humans
What is the photosphere?
This sun feature creates a polarized loop with a pair of sunspots
What is a prominence?
What is the closest star to Earth?
the Sun
This smaller solar system object is a natural satellite of 6 out of 8 planets.
What is a moon?
Which planet has the most moons?
This layer of the sun combines hydrogen atoms forming helium and puts off tremendous energy
What is the core?
What are dark ,cold patches on the Sun called?
Sun spots
What is a constellation?
a group of stars forming a pattern
This smaller solar system body is mostly rocky and is found between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.
What is asteriod?
Which are the terrestrial planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
This layer of the sun is usually invisible but it extends millions of kilometers and creates solar winds
What is the corona?
How is an astronomical unit determined?
It is the distance from the middle of the sun to the middle of Earth.
What are the four outer planets?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
This smaller solar system body is usually smaller than an asteriod and made of chunks of rock or dust.
What is a meteoroid?
Which is the only planets that contains life?
This layer of the sun is not visible except during an eclipse
What is the chromosphere?
In what layer and how is the Sun's energy released?
Gases the smash into each other in the radioactive zone.
What kind of Planet is Pluto Considered?
A dwarf Planet
This smaller solar system object is called one thing in space but once it passes through Earth's atmosphere and hits the surface is called something different.
What is a meterorite?
Which of the planets are gas giants?
Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn
This layer of the sun is the outermost layer of the interior layers and hot gases rise and cooler gases sink
What is the convection zone?
This sun feature releases magnetic energy when its plasma heats up to 1 million degrees
What is a solar flare?
What keeps a planet orbiting in the Solar System?
This smaller solar system body is a loose ball of ice and rock with a very long, narrow orbit that develops a tail when closest to the sun.
What is a comet?