Properties of Matter
Changes in Matter
States of Matter
Reversible Changes
Irreversible Changes

What is a property that can be observed in solids, liquids, and gases?

Answer: What is density?


What is the process called when a solid turns into a liquid?

Answer: What is melting?


What are the three main states of matter?

Answer: What are solids, liquids, and gases?


Give an example of a reversible change.

Answer: What is melting ice?


What is an example of an irreversible change that occurs in cooking?

Answer: What is baking a cake?


Describe how a solid differs from a liquid in terms of shape and volume.

Answer: Solids have a definite shape and volume, while liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container.


Name a change that is considered irreversible.

Answer: What is burning?


How does the density of a solid typically compare to that of a gas?

Answer: Solids generally have a higher density than gases.


What happens to steam when it cools down?

Answer: It condenses back into water.


How does burning wood demonstrate an irreversible change?

Answer: The wood transforms into ash and gases that cannot be turned back into wood.


What are two observable properties that can help classify a liquid?

Answer: What are viscosity and colour?


What happens to water when it evaporates?

Answer: It changes from a liquid to a gas.


What is an example of a substance that can exist in all three states of matter?

Answer: What is water?


How can you reverse the process of dissolving sugar in water?

Answer: By evaporating the water, you can retrieve the sugar.


300: Explain why cutting a piece of paper is considered an irreversible change.

Answer: Once cut, the paper cannot be restored to its original shape.


Explain how the arrangement of particles in a gas differs from that in a solid.

Answer: In gases, particles are far apart and move freely, while in solids, particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place.


Describe the process of freezing.

Answer: It is the change from a liquid to a solid as temperature decreases.


Explain how the particle movement differs in solids, liquids, and gases.

Answer: In solids, particles vibrate in place; in liquids, they slide past one another; in gases, they move freely and rapidly.


Why is boiling water considered a reversible change?

Answer: Because the water can return to its liquid state when cooled.


400: What is a chemical change, and how does it relate to irreversible changes?

Answer: A chemical change results in the formation of new substances, which cannot be reversed.


How does temperature affect the behaviour of gases?

Answer: Increasing temperature causes gas particles to move faster, which increases pressure if volume is constant.


500: What is rusting, and why is it considered an irreversible change?

Answer: Rusting is the chemical reaction that occurs when iron reacts with oxygen and moisture, forming iron oxide, which cannot be changed back to iron.


Describe what happens to the particles in a substance when it undergoes a state change from liquid to gas.

Answer: The particles gain energy, move faster, and spread apart.


Describe how you could separate a mixture of sand and salt.

Answer: By dissolving the salt in water, filtering out the sand, and then evaporating the water to retrieve the salt.


Describe how the process of digestion is an irreversible change.

Answer: Food is broken down into nutrients that cannot be turned back into their original form.