What state of matter is this.
What's the definition

It starts with an S and the molecules are vibrating and not really moving anywhere?

A. Liquid

B. Solid

C. Gas

B. solid


What's the difenition of solids.

A. They have some molecules that just vibrate and don't move that fast and moves a little bit when heated

B. A volume that fits the space and movest alot

C. After boiling water and has very fast molecules



This sate of matter is something you drink. What is it.

A. Liquid

B. Solid

C. Gas

A. liquid


What defines liquids.

A. fits the volume of the shape

B. there molecules move past each other

C. All of the above

C. All of the above


This state of matter is after the boiling phase. What is it. 

A. Liquid

B. Solid

C. Gas

C. Gas 


What defines Gas?

A. very fast molecules that aren't really attracted to each other and is after the boiling point.

B. Has volume and can be a solid

C. All of the above
